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Do you put all your appointments in your phone or still write them down?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you put your appointments/reminders in your mobile phone, or do you still write them down somewhere?

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I still have not worked out how to put appointments in my mobile and prefer to have them on my desk so I see them repeatedly (if my desk is tidy enough!).

However I DO also put them on my PC often as well as in the desk diary. This way, a reminder pops up and I can make it remind me again at time intervals of my choice.

But NO to putting appointment, reminders in my I Phone.
by Finy
I just put them on my lovely calendar which is on my wall as I come into the kitchen!As you will probably be aware by now,I do not bother with using a mobile phone any more,now that I am at home almost all of the time!
We use a VERY LARGE Calendar!
It has pride and place in our kitchen, and we consult it day and night.
The moment something comes up, we put a time on the day...and where it is we need to be.

It is the only system that works for me, and one I have used for many years.
I write them down. I don't use the calendar or reminder function on my phone at all. Every thing is written on either my diary, to do list or monthly planner (or all 3!).
I usually just use the 'notes' section of my phone.
My white board diary and update every week. Forward months appointments listed at bottom
of board.

Yes I do......
I used to write them don but would forget to look at my diary. Then I would put my appointments on my copy holder at work where I would see them every day. However since retiring I use my calender in my tablet which is synched with my mobile so I get reminders. Also for several of my appointments I get SMS reminders so all works well.
I admit, I love technology. All my appointments go straight into my phone. This is synced to my iPad and to my computer.
I have a big calender next to my computer. I don't often forget anything anyway, but it is there and my whole life is written on it. I check it every day. Family ask me ' What are we doing on this date?' I am forever saying ' Check the calender' if you want to know. It is ingrained in me to check the calender daily, but no one else does. Frustrating when we sometimes get double bookings !!!! It is so easy to check
Have a 'Week to an Opening' A4 Diary.
Have kept a Diary all my life. Too old to change!
I like to know what I'm doing, so a paper Diary suits me extremely well!
Exactly like the picture! I write all appointments in my A4 Diary!!!
I am very reluctant to use my phone for reminders.
My phone is always on silent, so Id never hear it anyway.
I write all appointments in my diary. If it's really important I'll put it in my phone
by AJ
Both. Phone and desk calendar.
by Rice
I need to write these things down.
by Vee
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