Do you pull out weeds in paving, let them grow, or poison them?
Do you pull the weeds in your paving, or poison them?
Or do you just leave them till summer comes and then they die?
#Kill weeds
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I hate weeds in my pathways but there are a lot this year due to a lot of rain and I have a problem bending so only pull some out.
My son, who is a horticulturalist, prefers to poison them, and so do my gardeners and the gardeners will do so next time they are here.
But I myself, prefer to pull out!
I usually pour boiling water on weeds in my paving or in cracks in a cement path. After a few days when they are dead and brown I can scuff them away with my foot as long as they aren't too big. However, occasionally a determined flower will grow in a crack and I leave that alone. At the moment I have a pretty calendula adding colour to the path in front of the house.
I pull them out.. and also pour boiling water on them and they just die.
Too much poison in the world as it is.
Normally I use Poison, it really works so well.
If I have non left, and a weed is there....I pull it out.
I know people don't like 'poison', but between pavers in your's fine.
Leaving them just looks very ugly to me.
I dont worry too much about weeds in the cracks between pavers. My pavers are in the back yard in an area where basically only the neighbour can see, so i dont really care about weeds there. I like to keep the front of the house looking nice, because it can be seen from the street. As long as that looks nice, i am happy. I do not use any poisins on our rather large garden. I worry about my cats, and any others that wander in, as it will kill them when they go to eat the grass or weeds. I prefer to pull weeds out by hand, the good old fashioned way.
We don't have any paving, we only have a pebble driveway, so we never get weeds on it, just a lot of fallen leaves from the overhanging trees.
I tend to just bend and pull a few out whenever I am near them!! I really do not like the poisons which are available.I would hate for my dogs to inadvertently get ill from my use of such things. Anyway, with my arthritis, kit is very good to use my muscles and joints to pull a few out at a time here and there! I tend to potter in my yard for an hour while it is nice and cool and quiet after I get up at 6 each morning.The dew tends to make the weeds come out very easily at this time of day.
I don't have this problem at the moment because we live in a unit
I like to keel them with boiling water. Whenever I've boiled the kettle and have some left, I tip it over the weeds.
It sizzles them and within a day or so they're dead. Hooray!
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