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Do you provide your children with adequate career counseling?

by kirk3 (follow)
K. Watkis
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Source: morguefile.com

Do you provide your children with adequate career counseling? Do you let them know what are the choices they have in today's society and what they need to do to prepare for them? Do they understand the value of early opportunities in life?

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Son is too young for that. I wish I had received better career counseling, or that I knew where to look sooner. Time lost and little direction.
by Vee
I don't have any kids, but most of my careers lessons were learnt at school.
At this point my kids are too young for serious career counseling. So far we talk about all the different careers people have as we encounter them and when our kids ask. We try not to glamorize any particular career because we want our kids to pick for themselves and not feel they have to choose a specific path to please us!
They are too young now but I'll see what they gravitate towards and encourage it.
by Gia
I think it's great if parents can mentor their kids in every aspect of their lives...letting them know about the many options and resources that are available in the wider community. However, I think that they should never push their own goals or agendas on their children.
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