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Do you prefer your meat cooked on a barbecue or in a pan?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you prefer your meat cooked on the barbecue, in a pan, or grilled?

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I don't often cook red meat but like it cooked on the barbecue depending if it is a steak!
Assume the question should read STEAK and not meat!

It has a nicer taste to it when done on the barbecue, as do most things - I used to make bacon and eggs on the barbecue regularly when I first bought my small Webber, and the last time I used it was to make ribs which were delicious but slightly burnt which is supposedly bad for you! charred.....
basically I would prefer a steak done on the bbQ with that crispy outside and a red inside.
by Finy
My first preference is on the barbecue. It tastes great and I also love eating any food outside so that adds to my enjoyment.
All of the above!
Not too fussy, if done well.

If I cook sausages for my son, they are pierced all over each one...and cooked in a Dry Teflon pan, the amount of fat after is amazzing! They never burn.

Not a keen meat lover, I know when I need it and will just eat once in a while.
I really don't mind. Meat on the BBQ always tastes better IMHO. The meat always seems to be juicy and tender, and tastes so good. Sometimes we grill our meat, and sometimes we do it in the pan. I find that putting our steak on the grill is just like putting it on the BBQ, and it turns out very nice. All the fat drains away, but it is a lot to clean up afterwards. Still, I don't mind. Grilled mid loin chops are to die for. I don't have a lot of red meat either, but when I do, I really savour every mouthful.
Mmmmmmmmm , , , grilled mid loin chops . . .mmmmmmmm
by Rice
Midloin lamb chops with a little salt on the tails ooh my goodness - Heaven
by fran.
Yep, Saturday night, not long finished 3 thick mid loin chops, loverly !
by fran.
I like barbecued chicken. Especially with a spicy marinade.
that is something I have never done on the bbq....
by Finy
At one point I had two Webbers but I must have lost custody of them. Anyway, I just bought a cheaper kettle barbecue a couple of weeks ago and have yet to assemble it. I do love the taste of steak, in particular, cooked on the barbie. Not being a big meat eater, I think barbecued meat tastes better all round for me. Hmmm better get set to and assemble that barbecue . . . .
by Rice
you didnt go to court to get custody of both Webbers? shame........
by Finy
Too lazy. Hahahahahahaha.
by Rice
Barby, grilled, pan - in that order.
I like it on a BBQ
by AJ
We don't have a bbq, so I just cook meat in a pan, but a daughters f/i/l cooked a lovely piece lamb on the bbq on Christmas Day, & that was very tender.
by Miro
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