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Do you prefer yellow or white nectarines and peaches?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you prefer yellow or white nectarines and peaches?

#Stone fruit
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When I lived in Sydney I think you could only get white.

Nowadays I love the yellow better in both a nectarine and a peach.

Somehow they have more taste and are perhaps sweeter.

The only thing about stone fruit is that I read that the poisons they spray with seeps inside the fruit so washing will not remove it, so I do not buy a lot anymore because of this, but will always buy yellow if there is a choice.
by Finy
I love the White Nectarines more than any in either them or peaches. I think it is because they are so aromatic and a whole taste-and-smell experience!!! I eat masses of fruit so summer is like Heaven on Earth for me with all the luscious delights available during this season! Already this season I have been utterly pigging out on every summer fruit imaginable.I can happily enjoy a Fruit and Cheese Platter as a light Evening Meal several times a week!
Hmmmm,,,,, Guess what I just decided to put on tonight's menu?!!!!
I prefer the yellow, but I won't say no to any stone fruit coz they're my favourite part of summer!
It really depends on my mood and the cost! We've been having yellow the last couple of weeks because they are what's in the shops and the kids love them! YUM!
White. They're sweeter.
I prefer nectarines to peaches but don't have a preference for the colour! I think white is more unusual here than yellow so I probably eat more of those.

I only buy organic so there's no worry about the insecticides or pesticides getting in to the flesh.
I love the White Nectarines more than any in either them or peaches. I think it is because they are so aromatic and a whole taste-and-smell experience!!! I eat masses of fruit so summer is like Heaven on Earth for me with all the luscious delights available during this season! Already this season I have been utterly pigging out on every summer fruit imaginable.I can happily enjoy a Fruit and Cheese Platter as a light Evening Meal several times a week!
Hmmmm,,,,, Guess what I just decided to put on tonight's menu?!!!!
I don't like these fruit...
by fran
by AJ
I don't think it is a matter of preference as both the White and yellow versions each have a distinct flavour of their own and individuals must chose which they prefer. It seems to me much of our stone fruit has lost their own distinctive flavour and can be rather bland. Is it that they spend too much time in the cool room before getting to the supermarkets!
yellow peaches not so fond of nectarines
Definitely yellow!
White looks insipid! Accidently bought white peaches once; never again!
both are yummy
I prefer the white to eat but cook the yellow because they hold better in cooking. I do agree though that they have lost their flavour over the years.
Yellow they seem to be more tasty.
We haven't bought either for a few years, as I'm always worried they'll be dry tasting.
by Miro
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