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Do you prefer white goods or stainless steel?

by Vee (follow)
Appliances (18)      White Goods (2)      Stainless Steel (1)     

Attribution: Wrightmt (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons.

Thinking about kitchen appliances, do you prefer white goods or stainless steel and why?

#White Goods
#Stainless Steel
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White Goods every single time.

One word why!


Sure SS looks amazing, for all of 10 seconds.

I'm not buying anything that needs to be wiped, over and over and over.
I hear ya, sister! Anything that saves cleaning is a very good thing.
jonaj, my mum recently bought a stainless steel oven and it doesn't show a thing!
by Vee
But I know what you mean!
by Vee
I think stainless steel looks much better, however white does not show the dirt and is far easier to clean.

However, having re-done my kitchen totally a few years ago, I put mainly stainless steel for appliances.

And the fridge I used something that looks to be stainless steel, but is dull and does not show the dirt. I also used this dull finish on kitchen tap.
by Finy
Stainless steel, they look better. White just looks boring to me.
I think white opens up a room, but stainless steel can look very cool. Only thing is that if you are not careful with the kind of stainless steel you get, you may find yourself forever cleaning fingerprints off surfaces.
by Vee
I like stainless steel. It just looks better.

Also stays looking new for longer compared to white goods which go an off-white colour over time.
Stainless steel for aesthetic purposes
I like stainless steel but it marks very easily, I like white because it is clean and crisp but if the sun get to it and it yellows, I can't bear it
I like the look of a commercial kitchen so I prefer stainless steel.
by Gia
Have had both. Don't have a preference, as both worked well for me.
I prefer whiter goods, because I love black & white together, with red appliances. I prefer gold over silver/stainless steel, even though I have none of the above! (It's a VERY old kitchen!!)
by Miro
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