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Do you prefer vanilla, strawberry or chocolate flavour?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you prefer vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate flavour?

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That is a difficult question however I think out of these three I would pick chocolate, followed by vanilla.

Vanilla can be really nice in some things and strawberry would be the last one I would ever buy as it does not really taste like strawberries a lot of the time.

I do not buy neopolitan ice cream however -far prefer more unusual flavours than this.

by Finy
Out of those three I would choose vanilla. I like chocolate ice cream too but not by itself
by AJ
Ah yes!
the old 'neapolitan" !
3 in one Ice cream.

I always hated the Chocolate.
Vanilla was boring.
Strawberry was my fav.....Yum :)
by Rice
see I told you we are very much alike LOL, typical 'Poms'.
by jonaja
Its always been strawberry for me
If we are talking about ice cream,I have to say a good quality Vanilla.I am not a 'creamy' ice cream type of person really!! My absolute favourite is SORBET,so I would prefer the fruity tang of Strawberry!
Chocolate followed by strawberry...I like the smell of vanilla but not the flavour so much
by fran
Just realized you were talking 'ice cream' and not the flavours in general!
by fran
Chocolate was always my fave in neapolitan ice cream. My sister's preferred strawberry so my parents were always stuck with vanilla left over!
Chocolate is my favourite, but if presented with the trio on a plate who could resist.
D) None of the above!
I like raspberry ripple or cherry ice cream best. Or blackcurrant :)
If I was forced to have one of your three options, then I'd go with strawberry. But I wouldn't be too happy about it!
Don't mind the old 'Neopolitan' once in a blue moon!

My current fav is Sara Lee's 'Ultra Chocolate'....you can taste the cocoa granules!
Next is her 'Strawberry'.....real fruit in chunks!
vanilla ice cream and one that is made like real ice cream also mango .
do not like chocolate or strawberry.
For me...there is nothing to compare with the taste of chocolate icecream. My husband enjoys going to the various icecream places and, after listening to their long list of flavours, delights in ordering plain vanilla (he sometimes mixes it up by ordering French vanilla - huge difference!!!)
Not fussy - like them all!
Not fussy - like them all!
All three. Sometimes I mix all three and make my own flavor.
I like them all together. I made a dessert recently of chocolate cake, vanilla custard and strawberry sauce UMMM good
by Gia
CHOCOLATE. Enough said.
by Vee
really Miss Vee!!! oh wow lol
by jonaja
I detect a smidgen of sarcasm - haha!
by Vee
Vanilla, raspberry strawberry or mango. Don't like chocolate.
Am not a big fan of ice cream, so none of them!
Dark Chocolate ice-cream!, However, IF there was a natural Tiramisu ice cream, that would come in 2nd, even though it's NOT what was asked in the question!, When i was (much) younger, i used to think Neapolitan was the 'ants pants' of all the ice creams & I loved it, but now there's far more natural yummier flavours 'out there', so I would rather have those ones.
by Miro
If we are talking icecream- I buy vanilla because I think it goes with more things. Fruit etc. I would choose other flavours for other deserts like cheesecake or milkshakes.
I bought a Christmas cake once that had far too much vanilla in it, and it has sickened me to the smell of vanilla.
I love strawberry flavour when it is real strawberries. Sometimes I just have to have chocolate!
I'm the one who eats the strawberry out of the neopolitan. LOL. Luckily, I never buy ice cream . . . . . but himself does and sometimes I just have a little nibble. (Dollop? Slurp? . . )
by Rice
I'm not keen on chocolate ice cream or shakes, but if I would have to choose it would be strawberry.
Caramel! :) Ok, if it has to be from these three, then it's chocolate first, vanilla second and strawberry not at all. Anything strawberry flavoured is always too 'fake' for me. Rather have real ones.
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