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Do you prefer to work on your projects during the day or night?

by Xarah (follow)
Write because you want to, not because you have to.
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We all have a certain time in the day where we feel alert and motivated to study/work, while there are other times when all you want to do is be carefree and snuggle in bed with a movie and some chocolate.

When is the peak time for you to be productive? Morning, afternoon, evening, or night?

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Apparently whether we're morning or night people may stem from our study habits from years 11 through to secondary study - many students go to classes during the day, then head home, eat dinner, then settle in for an evening of working on assignments. For some, the habit has stuck (me!!) so the evening is my time to knuckle down and plough through work.
3 o'clock in the morning until 7 am seems to be the most productive time for me, after a decent sleep I'm refreshed and ready to get into it.
I am a morning person so I much prefer to do things in the day as at night I cannot be bothered and just "veg" out playing games and watching TV.
by Finy
Love the evening...get to do more work.
Because I am trying out new ideas, I try to work on my projects, maybe all during the day, and even at night.

So after B/Fast a bit then.Do work around the house...then back with new ideas to the project.
Have lunch, think a little then back to the projects...mine are to help keep the home going, like my own home business ect.
Do more in the afternoon, nice warm drink...a think...then back to it.

Do more work around the place, and once again back to it.That way, ideas keep flowing...and it keeps it fresh.
If I 'want too', I may also do a few hours at night.
I am a morning person. I can't stay awake late in the night.
I start my real writing at 3pm every day. From 2pm-3pm I'm preparing myself mentally or rushing home to be ready by 3pm.
I generally write hard and fast for 2 hours, then potter about admiring my work (kidding) for another hour, and then that's it for the day.
I am most creative at night. Although I write during the day my best ideas seem to come late at night. I am most likely to be able to write uninterrupted late at night and I don't have to stop to cook a meal, go to an appointment, answer the phone etc
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