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Do you prefer to stay indoors during winter?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Winter (46)      Weather (37)      Cold (37)     
Photo by marin, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you enjoy winter? Do you prefer to stay indoors?

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Funny you should ask.
I feel this year, I may want to stay inside.
The wind is colder for this time of year...so yes inside most of the time, and keep warm.
''If''!! the sun is out.
I'm out.
Love love the sun. :)
I would like to say yes - but indoors makes me grumpy. I really need to get out the house and moving! And winter makes outdoors just a little more challenging! :(
I think there is a happy medium, as some days when it's especially cold, it can be nice to stay tucked up indoors and do some fun indoorsy activities. However, I get cabin fever (as do my boys) if I'm indoors for too long, so we normally just wrap up warm and enjoy the outdoor winter time activities.
I prefer staying at home, if it is too cold.
I would love to stay indoors during the winter as it's comfy, cozy and warm, but I choose to do more outdoorsy stuff so that I don't have to worry about summer hitting me with the harsh reality that I have to sweat out the winter kilos in 2 weeks! ;)
As Perth doesn't get exceptionally cold, I don't mind whether I'm out or in during winter. I find the colder weather invigorating after the long overly hot summer we had earlier this year.
Oh yes! I don't like feeling cold at all, so only go out in it if I'm completely rugged up.
I do like to stay in the comfy, cozy, warm settings indoors. I do go out but only if I have to.
I am always indoors during winter. It gets so cold in the UK, it's a matter of health and safety!
Unless it is extremely cold, I would want to go out and enjoy it.

Yeah...sipping a mug of nice hot tea....
nt at all i dont like winter i want to stay in home in blanket with warm cup a tea
I love winter. I enjoy ruging up and going outside, and I love being warm inside while looking out and watching the rain and wind. And best of all is sitting in my warm car at the beach car park, when you can see the rough water, and fast clouds, and if I'm lucky lightning across the sky.
I also love to be in the car, on a freezing cold day, at the beach (nice if it's windy too) AND hot chips, radio on. Watching the terrible weather and feeling all safe and warm and comfy (and happy with the chips).
Don't know if it is a security thing but I love it……sometimes have to fight the urge to go to sleep.
by fran.
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ID: 15403
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