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Do you prefer to read aloud or in your head?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by diannehope, moreguFile.com

I sometimes have difficulty processing the written word when I read to my self, so I tend to read aloud.

Do you prefer to read aloud or in your head, and why?

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In my head....but! it also can help reading out loud.
I would try the latter, see if it works for you.
Great picture, jonaj.
by Vee
by jonaja
Ditto, jonaj! Reminds me of Saturday arvo flicks' serials!
by donjo
exactly...lol :)
by jonaja
In my head, I think it would take a lot of energy to read aloud all the time, plus it would be incredibly annoying for others
I read aloud to my children a lot. When I'm reading to myself I mostly don't read aloud unless it's poetry. I also sometimes read my own writing aloud as part of the editing process.
I usually read in my head unless I'm having a real brain-fog kind of day, then I'll read out loud in an attempt to block any other noise out.
In my head, I can read really fast if I read in my head.
In my head. But then I prefer to have conversations in my head too, not aloud....
It would not even occur to me to read aloud!
I would think I was going mad if I did that -sorry Vee!!!
by Finy
LOL! All good, Finy. Perhaps it is as Damien put it, read aloud when brain is foggy.
by Vee
I prefer to read in my head. The only time I read aloud is when reading to the kids.
Only times read aloud was at School, in 'Reading' classes, & to my children.

Read in my mind all other times'!
If there's a particular 'point' I want to get 'imbedded' in my brain, for emphasis, I'll read the sentence(s) aloud!
Both....I read in my head to myself and read things out loud to my husband - best of both worlds!
LOL, I am glad to hear I'm not the only one who reads aloud to her husband!
by Vee
I read in my head but I do love reading aloud to children or sharing a particular interesting item with whomever is with me at times. It is nice to share reading a newspaper that way I think. I will read my writing out loud as this is a really helpful tool when editing. If you can't speak it out loud fluently then it is not well written.
In my head. We were taught that it was rude to read out loud.
by Rice
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ID: 36104
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