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Do you prefer to go to the cinema, or watch a movie at home?

by helenonthesofa (follow)
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Image: Ocrho - Wikimedia Commons

Going to the cinema can be a great movie watching experience. You get to see the film up on the big screen with amazing surround sound. However, for some, sharing the moment with the masses is not a winning combination. A DVD at home is an ideal way to catch a flick. What is your preference when watching a movie?

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Both. I love going to the cinema as I do feel it adds a bit of magic to the experience. The details on the big screen become so vivid. However, it is not always affordable, so I keep the special movies for the cinema and watch the others at home, sometimes not even on the TV but on the laptop.
A bit of both, yet if you go V-Max or Gold Class in the cinemas - it is luxurious. The Chicks At The Flicks events are great too :)
Gold Class is a really lovely experience.
I was very unimpressed with Gold Class the one time I went. The drinks and stuff cost extra, so all you really get for your money is a fancy armchair and the one I sat in was not even clean. There was something (tomato sauce maybe) on the side of it which I accidentally put my hand in. Gross!
Been in Gold Class once, & promptly fell asleep! And it was not a boring movie, just way too comfy!
by donjo
If its a new movie that I'm desperate to see, I'll try for the cinema. I love everything about the cinema outing; the big screen, the popcorn, the sound. However, it's not always possible to get a baby sitter so at home movies are also lots of fun. When we're watching a movie as a family we'll make some popcorn, get some lollies and then we're set for a cheap and cheerful afternoon.
I do enjoy the cinema experience, especially in 3D or when there are great special effects. As a special treat I like to go to the Gold Class screenings that some cinemas offer.
I prefer to watch it at home. I don't have to organize a babysitter, and can enjoy the movie without interruption.
I like to watch some films at home - while the cinema is for special occasions. If it's something I'm particularly looking forward to, then I'll go and see it at the cinema. Especially if it's an epic with lots of action!
Some movies' have just GOT to be viewed on the Big Screen eg 'Ben-Hur' & 'The Ten Vommandments'!

But others' I prefer to wait until released to DVDS, & will watch them in home comfort.
We have a $35 yearly pass each, for Sundays, @ 2pm, at our local art gallery, which shows lovely arthouse films. At home, occasionally we'll watch a movie on the tv, or I'll watch 1 on iview on my laptop. SBS shows free movies. they have 250 of them to choose from, so who really needs to waste money, going to see The Big Picture?!!!
by Miro
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