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Do you prefer to go out for breakfast or dinner?

by lizzi (follow)
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If given the choice would you prefer to go out for breakfast or dinner?

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I'm going to be awkward and say I prefer lunch out to either breakfast or dinner. Breakfast never works for me as I am not a morning person so having to do more than grunt over breakfast is extremely hard. By the evening I am usually so tired that I don't enjoy a long meal out.
High Five* Verity G, you just wrote my answer for me :-)
by Rice
I LOVE breakfast! And I love it even more when someone makes it for me!! Even before we had kids my partner and I used to make a point of going out for breakfast at least once per week and these days it's easier as the kids are in a better mood in the morning. If we can get some kiddie free time going out for dinner is nice, but I think we'd still prefer breakfast! - it also tends to be cheaper.
Back in the 1970's there used to be McCLURE'S Restaurants in Melbourne.
At 6.30a.m. on Sundays, we drove in to the St.Kilda Road "McClure's" where stylish, deep cushioned, high-backed burgundy leathered Booths and polished woodwork awaited and the carpeted floors muffled any noise or clatter.

Each Booth had its own wall telephone for you to ring your orders direct to the kitchen. It felt so exotic, other-worldly and a bit naughty to go to breakfast early on Sundays at McClure's before the rest of Melbourne got up.
Luxurious fun, wonderful food, with waiters only seen to deliver piping hot breakfast orders.
Clients could be a couple on the way home from a ball - still in evening gown & tails, golfers heading to Albert Park's course, or travellers/tourists passing through. Occassionally, a TV or Radio personality breakfasted there, too.
The food was wonderful - how I loved those booths - and even toasting our 'door-step' sized bread slices in our own table's shiny big American styled chrome Toaster, then slathering on real butter & condiments. It felt so fabulous, exciting, exotic and a little bit decadent, too.
Perfectly Poached, Scrambled, Fried or Eggs Benedict, with French Toast, delicious Mixed Grills - anything you wanted - even Waffles with IceCream & Syrup. AH! Nothing was as great as Breakfast at McCLURE'S on Sunday mornings. We always felt as if we had been away on holiday when we returned home, sated and, strangely, refreshed.

Breakfast really was something SPECIAL at McClure's. How we wish it would return complete with its booths, wall telephones and toasters.

No loud drunken or drugged youths shouting abuse & filth ever were seen on Sunday mornings (it just didn't happen in those days).
I prefer going out for dinner- then there's a chance of getting a desert after!
You can order desert for breakfast if you want to. The Coffee Club staff don't bat an eye if I have cheesecake for breakfast.
Dinner would be lovely.

I am not keen these days on early starts, and I do love Brunch.
But dinner is I feel the better of the two for me.
I've never been a breakfast eater (I know - shame, shame, shame) I blame it on all my years of ballet and not being able to dance on a full stomach. So for me a late midday meal or dinner are most definitely the highlights and the focus of our family get togethers. I love the range and variety of food you can select to indulge in PLUS what other way to enjoy a red or white wine (with food of course) at dinner !
This is very true - I love an excuse to have a nice glass of wine!
by lizzi
I would say brunch and dinner ! I would prefer breakfast only when I am staying at a hotel or resort and they serve breakfast .
by BK
Breakfast or lunch works better for us with the kids at the age they are now (they need to eat dinner pretty early so can get ready for bed, otherwise they go a bit nuts. If it's just my husband and I I love to go out for the evening.
Great question! I'm undecided - I love a great big breakfast with all the trimmings, but dinner out is a great way to unwind after a busy day.
by Vee
I far prefer dinner, but my partner far prefers breakfast, so we need to compromise often.
I love going out for breakfast. Dinner for me is when I get creative and have fun in the kitchen, whereas someone else making my breakfast just feels like a great start to the day. I enjoy dinners out for special occasions though.
Lunch LOL

However, so as not to be difficult I'll say that I love LOVE eggs benedict when I go out for breakfast, but that would get boring after a week, so I'll have to say dinner.
I would rather go out for breakfast as I do not drive at night and go out far more at breakfast time, than at dinner time.

Many of my friends also no longer drive at night.
by Finy
I would rather to eat all my meals at home but on special occasions its nice to go out to dinner. I will eat out when I am travelling long distances and must stop to eat something.
by Gia
Breakfast is my choice nowadays. Generally I can get a good sized meal which fills me up for a long time. Sadly lunches tend to get strangled by work needs, so never enough time to enjoy one of them, and while dinner is good as a treat, I find that it is often too heavy (or too late) to eat a large meal.
We have gone out occasionally for breakfast, but found we were usually disappointed as we could cook a nicer breakfast at home. So I will be different and say lunch. Now that we are retired we like to eat our main meal in the middle of the day and have a light supper. Works for us.
But very occasionally, Breakfast.
I like my 'sleep-in' as usually don't go to bed til after midnight!
Yeah, me too !
by fran.
Dinner. I don't like savoury for breakfast, like steak or salmon or cold meats & cheeses like the Europeans do - just can't do it. I know you can get porridge and cereals and all that, but I'd rather eat my cereal at home and enjoy dinner out!
We often go out for a champagne breakfast but we also enjoy dinner although I think we tend to over-eat a dinner meal.
I would prefer to go out for dinner, I'm not a big breakfast person, I'm just happy with a coffee and sometimes a biscuit.
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