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Do you prefer teabags or loose leaf?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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hazelmere cafe, tea, loose leaf tea

Do you prefer using teabags or loose leaf tea?

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I love both - however if I could afford the leaf tea I would use that more often!
Both have their uses. I like tea bags for my first cup of the day (though I am picky about the brand, I prefer them to be fair trade and decent quality for bag tea, so I buy them from Oxfam) when I am sleepy and it's easiest. In the mid afternoon I like a nice cup of loose leaf tea.
leaf tea is the best, but on saying that tea bags have come a long way since they were introduced years ago. then they made an undrinkable tea
Loose leaf tea. I have several tea balls (infusers) that fit into my large mugs and a 100% cotton tea net for my teapots. It is just as easy to fill them as it is to get a teabag out of a box and the boiling water flows through better than into a teabag. (I just stopped in the middle to buy your books, Bryony. I'm looking forward to reading them.) I also reckon I can "taste" the teabag and you don't get that with an infuser. You can also mix and match your teas with an infuser. I drink a LOT of tea. LOL.
by Rice
Thank you, Rice! I hope you like them.

Mixing different tea leaves together is an interesting idea; I've never heard anyone do that before.
Both are just fine to me, I think there are reasons to use both, and time and energy are one.Sometimes it just nice to infuse a herbal tea loose.
Teabags are more for on-the-go.
It would be very sad to see loose tea fall away.It's really got a lot of meaning behind it.
Tea bags are just that, not much to a tea-drinking experience.
I love both - however if I could afford the leaf tea I would use that more often!
Another double...sorry! Not sure why this happens!
by chipp
I prefer tea bags no mess.
Both have their uses. I like tea bags for my first cup of the day (though I am picky about the brand, I prefer them to be fair trade and decent quality for bag tea, so I buy them from Oxfam) when I am sleepy and it's easiest. In the mid afternoon I like a nice cup of loose leaf tea.
Both. When I go back to Pakistan to visit family, everyone uses loose leaf tea, but I think that it is a British thing and the proper thing. The flavours really come out by brewing loose leaf. Here, we use teabags for convenience.
We always buy teabags because it is easier, but if out in a cafe, it is a nice treat if you get given loose leaf.
Loose leaf, as I like T2 teas.
Me too. T2 is great.
by Rice
Leaf tea takes longer to brew. Though I prefer leaf tea to tea bags, at the rate I drink tea it's not quite possible to use leaf tea.
I prefer teabags. There is less mess involved, unlike loose leaves.
I prefer teabags for convenience, but loose leaf does taste better to me, so which I have more time I do go to the effort of making my tea in a pot.
I use teabags for the usual flavours such as English Brekkie, but loose leaf for my fruit teas.
I prefer loose tea, and don't drink much tea as I prefer coffee.
by Finy
I'm not a big tea drinker, so the convenience of tea bags works better for me.
Either. Have varieties' of tea bags. For loose leaf tea, always buy Nerada, as have toured their plantation, outside of Cairns.

It really depends what I feel like at the time. Usually tea bags win, due variety!

Nothing like a good, hot 'cuppa'! Nice to have a fresh 'Lamington' with it, too, for arvo tea!
Many years ago when my grandmother was alive (I don't think tea bags were around then) we would gather at her place for afternoon tea every Thursday and Sunday and she would read our tea leaves. She was so accurate with her readings, we used to think she was a witch! I have both I use depending on what mood I'm in and choose my tea cup and saucer accordingly. I never drink tea from a mug.
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