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Do you prefer sultanas or raisins?

by Vee (follow)
Fruit (82)      Preference (76)      Dry Fruit (1)     

Attribution: Hedwig Storch (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons.

Sultanas and raisins are very similar, but there is a subtle difference. While they are both dried white grapes, sultanas are golden, plumper, sweeter and juicier than raisins.

Were you aware of this difference and which do you prefer?

#Dry Fruit
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Top Answers
Definitely raisins. There are several variety of raisins as well, and my favourite of them is flame raisins.
Yum. Flame raisins. Niiiiice.
by Rice
Raisins for me :)
I only ever get sultanas these days as they are preferred by my partner and kids. I'm pretty happy with either myself.
I guess I am the odd one out here. I prefer sultanas.
by Vee
I dont really know as they taste the same -perhaps sultanas -I think raisins seem to be a bit sweeter.

I often buy the organic sultanas however they are not as sweet as the ordinary ones.
by Finy
Sultanas, or 'sore narnas' as I said as a small child.
Have never been able to enjoy raisins. Not juicy enough, I suppose.
Totally agreed.
by Vee
Mmmmmmmmmmm. Muscatel raisins.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, love Muscatels, but they're very hard to find other than Xmas time!
by donjo
It's so awful . . .! *sob sob* Do they think we don't want them at any other time? Very odd.
by Rice
I prefer sultanas - raisins are less sweet and a little bit tough.
I'll eat either, but if I had to choose, then probably sultanas. Yum!
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