Do you prefer silver or gold jewellery?
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I definitely prefer gold jewellery.
The only silver I have is a set of rings that I wear that my deceased daughter used to wear.
Otherwise I wear all gold.
I used to have some white gold but now only have gold and prefer a 14 ct. one
I prefer gold jeweller. it goes better against my skin as well,silver doesn't really do it for me.
I had mostly white gold as my wedding set was white but I did have a few bits of yellow and rose gold. I passed it all on as I can't wear rings now. I did keep a gold chain and pendant now that I think of it.
Isn't it amazing how we all have our preferences? My wedding rings are all white gold, and I think it suits me best. I don't own any yellow gold jewellery
I only wear a yellow gold wedding band at the moment.
That band's mine! LOL. Same here.
I prefer just Gold.
Silver is a cheaper metal, and white Gold is Gold, just made to look white.
Just give me Gold every time.I prefer 24crt, even though it is softer.
Gold Gold Gold.... but put lots of diamonds with it and I could be convinced to wear silver!
I like both but probably prefer gold
I have always loved gold, thpugh I do have some antique silver items which were passed down from my grandparents and other relatives when I was very little. Having olive toned skin, I do feel that gold suits me best of all.
I no longer wear any jewellery at all, as I have swelled immensely with my rare arthritic disease. It has all been very safely stored. My son shall be a lucky man one day!!!!!Hee Hee Hee!!!!
I have both, but I think Silver suits me better. I am not all about monetary value . They are both metals produced by our earth, without money they would just be pretty lumps of metal.
I prefer gold jewellery - just a personal choice although I do have a few silver things.
It's definitely gold for me as it seems to suit my skin colour better. My best friend sticks to silver as that colour best suits her skin. It is a very individual choice.
I also wear copper bracelets alongside gold which go well together. The copper bracelets are for arthritis relief and I swear by them as my grandmother did before me.
When it comes to necklaces, pearls are my clear preference.
I will wear everything! Anything that looks good and suits me, I mix it up too as long as they all go well together, many gorgeous designs in both gold and silver so why limit the choices...
I like wearing silver and only wear gold on special occassion.
I don't even know myself. For some pieces, I prefer gold. For others, I prefer silver/white gold. I think it all depends on the piece.
i've always preferred GOLD! I always wear my very thin lightweight gold bracelet, I bought in K.L. in 'Nov '95. I wear a gold wedding ring, & 20 years I bought 4 thin gold rings, which are on 3 fingers, & I haven't been able to remove them in all these years! Our 2 daughters have always preferred silver, but they hardly wear any silver jewellery anyway. They're more into plastic vintage/retro bracelets to match the dresses they wear.
I wear both, but prefer gold (but not white gold, as it just looks like silver).
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