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Do you prefer receiving hand-made gifts?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Gifts (51)      Occasions (2)     

baked cookies, gifts, receiving

Gift-giving is a challenging task, however, receiving gifts can be nothing short of a test of a person's character. Many gifts are used as "forwards" for other occasions. Others end up in garage sales (unfortunately). But some end up gracing a special space in our households and in our hearts (and sometimes in our tummies).

I think a hand-made gift goes a long way in being appreciated and clearly shows the effort that the gift-giver put into it. Whether it is an article of clothing for a new-born baby, hand-made cookies and/or cake decorated for a specific occasion, or a purchased gift wrapped in an original style, presentation makes a big difference.

Putting yourself in the receiver's shoes, what type of gifts do you 'prefer' to receive?

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I love giving and receiving handmade gifts. Edible or drinkable ones are usually the best. My family usually make various jams, chutneys or homemade chocolates for Christmas and they're a real treat.
Both hand made and shop brought gifts are great. However, it is something about hand made gifts that make them special and valuable. Some sentimental value. A lot more love has gone into hand made items.
While I like the sentiment of 'it is the thought that counts', most handmade gifts would go to waste on me. I'm not particularly interested in health & beauty products. I just see them as one of those necessary things rather than something pampering. I'm also not interested in fashion or decorations for the home.
I love giving and receiving handmade gifts, there is so much love and thought in them.
100'% yes. They are one of kind, can not be duplicated, and appreciate the time invested just for me!
Amen, I feel exactly the same!
I love handmade gifts and I also love to give them, but I'd like more time to be able to make them. Spending money in a shop is a way of buying that time! Hopefully one day I'll find a balance: spend less, make more gifts.
I adore hand-made gifts. Firstly, the fact that a friend/family member had thought about making something warms my heart. Secondly, they took into consideration what I might like, and did their best to make a good substitution. Hand-made gifts show that the person who made the gift cares about you, knows you well, and has gone to (normally), a lot of effort to make something personal, and something the receiver will hopefully enjoy.
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