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Do you prefer men with beards or clean shaven?

by Rich Nicolls (follow)
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Do you prefer men with beards or clean shaven?

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Clean shaven. However some men look good with a stubble. Certainly not bearded ones like the man in this picture
I am a beard kinda man but my beautiful girlfriend hates it so I choose the razor
She's a lucky girl!
Clean Shaven.

I don't like beards.
I think they make young men look older than their years
I always think that there must be a certain amount of food that gets into them.

I once heard someone say that you can never trust a man with a beard or (moustache in particular) because anyone that spends so much time in front of a mirror (grooming) is untrustworthy ?

What garbage!
Hubby's had mo for 30 years', looks terrific, very suitable!
And he doesn't spend ages 'grooming' it at all!
by donjo
I like beards.
I prefer clean shaven or a little stubble trimmed into a goatee. Beards don't do it for me!
I think beards are attractive, although it really depends on the man. Some men look great regardless whether they're beared or not.
I quite like a bit of stubble, but hate moustaches!
Great question! I prefer having a beard, and I don't think my partner particular cares. Lucky me ;)
O lucky you.. I am forced to shave pretty much twice daily :)
My husband has a beard and I like it.
I think it depends on the man.
by Vee
I always prefer my guy to have a clean shaven face as I hate stubble pash rash.
But some guys can really carry off the stubble and beard look. I just wonder how much good pashin' they get?
I'm with you!!
by kayea
I prefer clean shaven gentle man.
Love men with soft beards. Do not like those heavy curly black beards like Hugh Jackman is supporting at the moment. Nothing that melts my heart more than a well kept beard.
Well, another personal choice question. I grew up with beards and longish hair, in the hippy days.. woo hoo! As said above, some men suit facial hair and some do not, My ex has a beard and no moustache - took a while to feel that looked "normal" - he looks armich. Johnny Depp does look GOOD. However, I do not like this new trend where young men have the bush ranger beard! They look sooo old with it...
doesnt matter. My husband has had both and like them both. some guys look better with or without a beard so I guess that makes a different. getting up close to a pricky beard is a different feeling but not horrible if it is the person you want to be with.
Clean shaven is the thing for me. I dislike both beards & a moustache. Though I must say it looks good on some people when it's trimmed & well maintained. even then it's not for me. Beside these days due to rise of Islam & all I would't want all men with beards looking like a Islamic terrorists on a mission from Allah.
I prefer the clean shaven look. A little goatee can look okay on the right man.
Clean shaven.
Clean shaven
I imagine, if I were a man, I would have a magnificent beard.
Hate beards! Like clean shaven men.

But am partial to a tall, good-looking moustachioed man, in an Army Uniform, which I'm required to keep clean & pressed!
clean shaven although I do not mind beards if tidy,
dislike the look of whatever you call it of day old beard
It really depends on if it suits them. I don't really like full beards or moustaches, but I love a goatee on the right guy. Very sexy. Also like clean shaven.
I detest facial hair and as someone said it does make you look older. I couldn't go out with someone who has facial hair. Having said that, my husband had a very thin Clark Gable type moustache when I met him. We all got him drunk one night and shaved it off. He got the hint and hasn't had one since. He has to shave twice a day to remain clean shaven. Kissing someone with facial hair is not very pleasant, so if you some good loving......keep it clean shaven!!!!
Hate beards, moustaches on men and women. I can't unshaven people. I think that any facial hair makes men look older. It also signals to me, laziness. I don't understand how they keep it clean i.e. food free, liquid free. wonder how many men with facial hair insist on women being hair free. Yeah, from a cleanliness point of view, it has to be, just has to be very difficult to keep it "nice". I understand that when men who have beards and moustaches would clean them in the shower, but if you were forced to have a shower free day, or a bath only day, I can't see that it would be clean enough for me.
Rich, the above photo, is that Luciano Pavarotti, in an Opera role?
Can't say which role as not Opera fan!
Thank you donjo, I just couldn't think of his name. He was certainly a wonderful opera singer! I didn't like opera either, until I went to an opera at the SHO. & I was hooked. I've seen a few now, when my friend is sent special deals in an email, around the $100 mark. Once we even climbed over the row in front of our seats for a couple of better seats. Ops! I'm 2 old to do that now!
by Miro
I have always preferred Women. But some have had a better Moustache than I do.
It really depends on the man. Some men suit beards so long as it is tidy and well groomed. I will never kiss a man ever again though with face hair as there is more germs in his beard than on a toilet seat.
Yep, I reckon you are right. And even if they have a beard throughout their life, once they reach old age, it should be law that they shave it off or a least vacuum it daily and then follow the vacuum daily with a shampoo.
by fran.
A daughter of ours has had a partner with a grey messy beard, moustache & a messy head of hair, for about 19 years. I think he thinks it makes him look 'arty' or something! I think it makes him look a lot older than his 48 years! I don't think he ever combs his hair, but just runs his fingers throw it, to make it stand up. Ummm Yuk.
by Miro
A daughter of ours has had a partner with a grey messy beard, moustache & a messy head of hair, for about 19 years. I think he thinks it makes him look 'arty' or something! I think it makes him look a lot older than his 48 years! I don't think he ever combs his hair, but just runs his fingers throw it, to make it stand up. Ummm Yuk.
by Miro
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