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Do you prefer chocolate milk hot or cold?

by Vee (follow)
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chocolate milk
Image by Pipo -commons.wikimedia.org

Do you prefer chocolate milk hot or cold?

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I adore hot chocolate!!! I have it every day before bed. Sometimes I will have it if I go out for a drink with friends. I don't like coffee, so that's my drink of choice. I do have tea if I am home. Sometimes, I have a real treat and go to the local chocolate shop where it is made with real Belgian chocolate ( not very often). Love my chocolate any way I can get it.
I love...love....love Hot Chocolate!

It makes me feel all
warm and fuzzy inside.
Definitely hot. I don't like it with marshmallows though as I find it too sweet.
by Rice
Hot, on a cold night, with FRESH whipped Cream atop, dusted with Cinnamon, or Nutmeg!

I make the hot Cocoa drink, the old fashioned way, on the stove-top, with a small spouted saucepan, as my Mother used to when I was a child!
Nothing can compare!
I love hot chocolate during winter and cold chocolate in summer.
I love hot chocolate but notice my grandchildren prefer cold chocolate drinks when we are out and hot at home for after dinner drink.
As I can't drink full strength coffee anymore, hot choc's have become my drink of choice at cafes and when out and they vary greatly.
I also have one at home as my lunchtime drink.

In summer I'll have a cold iced drink as it's nice then too.
Mostly cold with a few blocks of ice - I find it a bit sweet when it is heated.
by Finy
I prefer hot chocolate milk or hot milo. I am quite happy to drink cold chocolate milk as well, but prefer it hot.
I actually prefer it hot than cold.
Either. Though given the choice with cold, I'd rather caramel! :) Plus I would rarely have hot chocolate when I'm out as it puts me to sleep, like a baby!
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