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Do you prefer buying books in a store or downloading ebooks?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Books, ebooks, kindle

Do you like spending time in a bookstore, selecting books or do you prefer the convenience of downloading ebooks to your electronic device?

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I like the hard copy, myself.
I have to be biased as I chose to be an eBook author, ditching a print contract. eBooks rule. You can easily download from any technology device, and they're cheaper too. As an indie/self published author by choice, my royalties are heaps better than if I stuck with print.
I love going into old second hand book stores. It's like an amazing adventure and I get lost. I have never bothered to read an e book. I prefer the smell and feel of a book, and the fact that i can take it anywhere with me. Reading a book should be an experience. Sometimes you need to escape technology.
I prefer books over ebooks. I spend so much time on the computer that I am not keen to pick up another electronic gadgets to read. It would feel like work.
I love going into a bookshop and looking at all the different books available; not just the latest ones but all the older books too. I like to see covers that stand out for me and I like to see the variety and be able to touch and feel. Unfortunately, unless I am in a second hand book shop, I find the price of actual books very expensive, so I am a window shopper only and whilst I might make my selection based on what I have seen in the shop, I make the purchase (for a hard copy book) via online shops such as The Book Depository.
Most definitely browsing in a book story. Even if I know what I want, I like to browse to see what else is out there...
Oh! Paper books forever!
Can't stand reading whole pages on a screen. Boring!
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