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Do you prefer Action/Adventure holidays, or Beach/Relaxation holidays?

by Emily (follow)
Holidays (84)      Adventure (31)      Relaxation (18)     

Skydiving by Joshua M from flikr

Would you rather hike or sleep? Go in a hot air balloon or stay home to read and drink wine? Have you kept your backpacking ways, or swapped your pack for a hotel?

What's your ideal type of holiday?

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I like a balance between the two - I think we got it just right on our honeymoon, when we alternated days exploring with days spent lounging around. I like to explore where I'm staying but having some time to chill is all part of being on holiday.
This one!
Hands down...Heaven!
I'm not a huge fan of the beach...but I don't think anyone would ever say I'm into action / adventure. We love to go camping and do plenty of bushwalking, interspersed with a good amount of lounging around. Before we had kids hitting the wineries was always something we'd do!
I like a balanced vacation, which has elements of both. If it's only activities, they tend to get very tiring. If it's only relaxation, I would get bored.
These days, I go more for relaxation holidays...whether that's at the beach, mountains or anywhere close to nature.
I now like just quiet, relaxed holidays if I have a holiday at all.

Now that I am retired, life is sort of like a big holiday anyway, and have lost interest in travel, but I certainly no longer want adventure travel.
by Finy
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