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Do you prefer a city apartment or a house in the suburbs?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Sardaka via Wikimedia Commons

Some people enjoy living in the city for close proximity to the hub of all action while others opt for living in the suburbs to have the luxury of living in a property with a front yard, backyard and peace and quiet.

What do you prefer: a house in the suburbs or a shoebox apartment in the city?

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I live in a lovely period stone house which has the countryside stretching out to one side and a few minutes walk into the local village with lots of amenities. I have two small children so it's the perfect balance don't have to get in the car to pick up some groceries but we have lots of space on our doorstep too.

I do enjoy the buzz of the city but enjoy it even more when I'm not in the thick of it everyday.
Great question. While I was living in Melbourne, I predominantly lived in a high rise apartment right in the city - loved the convenience, and less maintenance with a pool, gym and full-time caretaker on site. On the other, I am fortunate to be living in my own house in a suburb that is about a 25-minute train ride from the city in Sydney, and I love it. More space, and I can keep my work separate from my living space due to the abundance of rooms. Sure, more cleaning is involved, yet you gladly make the effort when it is your own home.
With the suburbs you get the best of both worlds. You're close to town and an easy travel distance from the city, but it is quieter, friendlier, more attractive, and less expensive than living in the centre of the city.
City apartment - we rented one in between houses, and I loved it! It was unreal. We walked across the road to get hot bread from the bakery in the morning, if I didn't feel like cooking I could get food from across the road without the hassle of strapping the kids into carseats, no garden work on the weekend and if I wanted a dvd, I could run across the road at 9pm in my PJs. When it rained, the kids could ride their bikes in the car park (everyone was at work, so it was rare for people to come and go) and supermarket was in walking distance (50 metres or so). It also had a pool and gym. So having been a never want to live in an apartment person, I am totally converted. We have a house in the inner city now - I find my friends in the suburbs never want to do anything cos it's always too far....I'd really hate to be one of those people!
I prefer a house in the suburbs to a box in the city. Nah, no box for me thank you.
I always fantasised about living in the centre of all action but the appeal diminished once I found out how small some of the city apartments can be. Now I actually enjoy living in the suburbs now for the bigger sqm, backyard for a bbq and veggie patch and the elusive peace and quiet, things that cannot be accommodated by a shoebox apartment.
I'm definitely a house in the burbs girl
I would say a house in the suburbs. I love the suburbs, very peaceful, leafy but not too far from supermarkets and shopping centres.
by WSW
I think it depends a bit on the stage you're at in your life. When I was a twenty-something uni student I loved living in a flat in an inner city suburb, close to transport, pubs etc. Now I'm older with kids I prefer to live the cliched quieter suburban life in a house with a yard. It gives the kids somewhere to play and they (and we) aren't constantly being woken up in the middle of the night by drunken idiots singing or having noisy sex. Conversely, living in a detached house makes it less likely that the noise of our young children will annoy the neighbours.
A house is best to me...but! if your work means living for a time in a small apartment, then thats ok for a time.
No one likes a cramped home....so a house is always something far better in the long run.
Both have their own merits.
I have lots of experience of both - grew up in the country - many houses on farms and big land - cost? lots of time cutting grass, pulling weeds, pruning trees, taking loads of prunings to the dump - last big house I moved from I had to unload 7 tons of car parts I had collected under the house - more space -> more junk !

now - last 20 years happily inner-city small unit (about 60sq.m. inside + balcony/parking) - less space, less junk, healthy walking distance from endless free entertainment like last weekend's Latin Fiesta - excellent performances, music, dance - all free and wonderful

most suburban wasteland pedestrians look out of place - person on the footpath ? - something wrong - must be criminals - dogs bark at them - or people buy a bicycle to get exercise ? I walk everywhere and to shopping - my healthy exercise is incidental, pleasurable and interesting in the city buzz - think I'll stay s'more ...

A house with lawn in a suburb

I definitely prefer living in the suburbs, close to the beach. Parking in the city is usually a nightmare and although there is much to do, it is often noisy. Living on the northern beaches is a happy balance of plenty to do, but quiet area.
For my lifestyle, an apartment in the city would be ideal. Let's hope it becomes a reality!
My partner and I used to live in the city, but we moved to the suburbs. Spend the same amount on housing and get a bigger place with a backyard. And it doesn't smell like traffic all the time.

The city can be very convenient though.
My eldest daughter live in inner Sydney and loves it, the hustle and bustle of people moving around but the negative side is the typecof neighbours you end upvwith in an apartment. Thereciscalwayscat least ohe in every block, abusing the security by propping the door open so their friends can come and go as they please, the noisy partying going on until 4 or 5 a.m. and other residents to worried to complain because of repurcussions against them. Me, I love my suburban living, several large shopping centres nearby, cheap transport if I want to go to the city and not have to drive so can enjoy the scenery on the train but so glad again when I'm home again. Don't enjoy the crowds or the noise. Give me suburbia any day.
i do not live in the u.s.a however i would prefer a suburb house
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