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Do you prefer a bath with bubbles or scented oil or nothing?

by lizzi (follow)
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Bath (10)      Bubbles (3)      Essential Oil (2)     

Bubble bath
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Do you prefer to use bubble bath, essential oils or nothing when you have a bath?

#Essential oil
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Top Answers
Epsom salts and a couple of drops of lavender and as many children as can cram in.....no wait, that bit isn't about preference so much.
You are funny !
by BK
I jumped in to have a really hot bath while the kids were having dinner the other night. The second they finished eating they raced down to the bathroom to jump in with me. I had to let half the water out and refill with cold to make the temp child friendly!
by lizzi
Essential oils it is for me.
by Vee
I prefer essential oils myself. Every now and then I like bubbles...But mainly nice oils - they just feel so luxurious. Not that I get to bath alone very often anymore!
I would rather scented oil as this makes my skin nice and soft.

I have used oil for many years now though do not have many baths due to the fact that I now have a problem getting out of them.

It is however, very relaxing to lie in an oil infused bath and read a book!

Bubbles do not really do anything for me and they disappear after a while anyway.
by Finy
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