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Do you pre chop food for future meals?

by lizzi (follow)
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Some chopped pumpkin ready for the casserole tomorrow.

Chopping up enough vegies for several meals in one go can be a great way to get organised and save time. Do you do this?

#Time management
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That's ALL I do.

Week 14 or is it 15?

Of my very successful veggie diet, and I LOVE it!
So I have a fridge full of chopped veg, for each meal.
It depends on the food. I love pre-chopping smoothie ingredients and freezing them in little sandwich bags so that in the morning I can just pop them in the blender, add a little milk, and I'm good to go with a nice cold smoothie.
I'm really trying to get a bit healthier with our meals so I'm starting to pre-chop a lot of stuff. Last night I was chopping pumpkin for a salad so I chopped the whole thing so I have no excuse not to put some in the casserole tonight...I did end up with orange fingers though! I'm also going to pre-chop ingredients for omelettes so that I have stuff prepared for a very healthy breakfast or quick and easy dinner.
Sometimes . It depends on the food and when I am going to cook it. If I am going to cook it at a time when I know it will be late or I will be in a rush, then I do that beforehand.
by BK
No, but that is a good idea. ;)
by Vee
No I do not generally do this before it is time to make the meal.

I would have thought it would stay better and hold vitamins more if not stored cut, but do not know where I got that from!
by Finy
I'm fairly certain that food will retain it's vitamins better if not stored cut...however if pre-chopping means that you will get more vegies in it probably balances out.
by lizzi
Generally, no. Sometimes veggies are chopped up ahead of time though.
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