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Do you play the pokies?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Poker Machines (Image by mensatic via morgueFile)
Image by mensatic via morgueFile

Poker machines attract the casual visitor for a little flutter right through to the committed gambler. Love them or hate them, they are here to stay.

Do you play the pokies?

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I am not a gambler so no.
by Gia
I hate the pokers, I find them as interesting as watching grass grow (or a game of cricket). However when our family goes out for birthday dinners we usually go to the RSL and most of the family like to have a harmless little flutter afterwards.
Sometimes. I tend to find them a little boring, but there are some fun ones. At the most I'll put about $20 in. Sometimes it's nice when out as a big family group as a chance to escape the kids!
No; I do n't know how to play poker.
You really don't need too.
You just put a coin or 2-3-4 into the machine, pull the handle....and it will tell you if you win.
99% of the time it will take your money.
If you do win, your very very lucky!
They are a real problem for people who can't stop playing them.
by jonaja
Big difference between the question, 'pokIES', & Poker!
BUT, you can lose many $ at either!
by donjo
In that case, I have no idea what pokies is.
I don't. On the whole games of any kind bore me rigid and card games are no exception!
Why anyone would want to not only waste their time but also their money baffles me.
Heavens no! I can't stand that sort of thing lol I've always said that if I get a pokey addiction I'll just take a walk down the fisher price aisle of kmart and be cured.
No I find them a waste of money
Definite NO.
It is a mindless waste of time AND money. I just don't see the attraction. First and foremost as I work extremely hard to earn a living the thought of tossing coins into a slot machine is something I can't fathom. The only time I gamble is on the Melbourne Cup and even then I don't bother.
Once. In Las Vegas, at 'Golden Nugget' Casino.
Input USD6 & won USD28!
Stopped at that point & never again. That was in 1983.
It doesn't interest me to waste money!
No; I think the most I've ever put in was $5.
NO But know a lot of relatives that go to the pokies every payday
I lost about US$10 IN Vegas, in 1989. I used to play them, if I was out with a friend for lunch in a club, when they were only 10 cents a hit. When they went up to $1.00, I never played them again!
On 11 cruises, I’ve only wasted $1.00 on them, as 1 walks through the casino, most days, to get from ‘A to B’
No way!! And I do not understand the fascination with them or how people get hooked on them thay are so boring! At least the old fashioned ones slot machines with the leavers - which are still in Vegas - are a little more exciting. But even when you win on the pokies it isnt even like you win, Probably isnt like you lose either which is why people just sit there and keep pressing buttons. Insanity!!
Yes and I find it relaxing. I've had a few big wins but mostly you lose so be prepared to lose what you put in.
Rarely, it doesn't interest me!

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