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Do you play any sports?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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By anankkml, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Do you play or have played any sports? Maybe when you were younger, as a kid, or you are still playing?

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I do a lot of cycling. Does that count as a sport?
I wasn't encouraged to play sports as a child and have never been any good at organised sport. I do like running, cycling and water aerobics though. Do these count?
by Vee
I wasn't encouraged to play sports as a child and have never been any good at organised sport. I do like running, cycling and water aerobics though. Do these count?
by Vee
Not at the moment. I was very uncoordinated as a kid so never took any up. Now I think I've missed the boat even though my coordination is much better because I never learned any ball skills. I did scuba dive for a while though, and look forward to taking that up again when my youngest is a bit older!

Swimming in the surf.
I did it Big Time when younger, and would now if I had the chance....amazing !
I consider it a sport, it kept me very fit.
I was a badminton and table tennis player in school days. After that, got absorbed in studies, you know how medical schools get, you absolutely cannot do anything else. However even now if I can get the table tennis bat in my hand, I am at it.
I use to be a runner in school , long distance , hurdles and cross country . Now i do Karate twice a week.
I grew up on a farm, so I was always running. Then through school,track & field.Then hockey & tennis.Now at the ripe old age of 60 I'v taken up lawn bowls!! After having a hip replacement and other issues. I absolutely love it, never thought I would! Not only do you do a lot of walking,bending etc,It's a real mental challenge.Your also out in the fresh air enjoying the company of other's.
Played just SO many Sports as a child/teenager/young adult.

Now just Swim or go Horse Riding. Do much Walking, too! Want to get 'back into' Tennis!
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