Do you permanently wear any rings on your fingers?
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Yes, I wear two different rings that belonged to my daughter who died, plus a set of five silver thin rings of hers, and I also wear two wedding rings that were my mother and fathers.
Even for an anasthetic, I do not take off my daughter's (Gina) rings as I don't want them taken off me....
I am sorry for your loss Finy.
It wouldn't be a good idea for me to wear my rings permanently. In the hot weather, my fingers tend to swell up, and rings, bracelets, etc can act like tourniquets, cutting off the circulation. It may happen, or it may not, but I would hate for my beautiful rings, that mean so much, to have to be forcibly cut off. I love my rings, and the sentiment behind them too much. I will wear them, just not 24/7, or if my fingers are swollen.
wow!! that would be a lovely ring lucky you :)
Just my wedding band. I actually wear no other form of jewellery. I seldom remove it from my finger.
No I have not had a ring on my finger since 1992.
Love the feeling too.
Rings made me feel uncomfortable, just a me thing.
Yet we love to look . . . :-))
Oh!! That looks like my engagement ring, except mine is sapphires with white gold. Exactly the same as Princess Dianas.
YES!! I love to look, as they are very pretty ..... :)
I don't wear any and I haven't for about ten years. I find them very uncomfortable. I gave my daughter some and sold the rest.
I wear my engagement ring and my wedding ring everyday.
I wear my two wedding rings.
When I married in 1983, my Grandmother told me she had never taken her wedding ring off. I liked the idea and promised my first husband that I would do the same. Unfortunately he died after only a short marriage. My second husband is understanding so I wear both all the time.
I might have to take them off for repair shortly and I am not looking forward to it. My first ring has worn thin, and I am considering having them made into one ring. I will have a little ceremony when they come off, and another when they go back on, I think.
annfi - I had my two engagements rings (diamonds) made up into one ring!
Thats what I was thinking of doing, i shall save any broken bits of gold jewelry to throw in as well.
Yes, one on each hand. My pre-engagement on my right and my engagement ring on my left hand.
I no longer wear any jewellery at all, and rings in particular made me feel very naked when I first stopped wearing them. My fingers swelled with a very severe form of arthritis about 10 years ago, and I actually had to get a very special ring cut from my finger. Much as it was 'only a ring',albeit one which meant a lot to me, I have to admit that I cried when I saw the damage caused to this ring by the removal process, though I knew the stones were still perfect!! And of course, my finger was far more important to me than a ring!!! It took some weeks for the finger to even start to feel and look half-way normal again! After this horrid experience,as my other fingers also rapidly succumbed to damage and swelling,I gradually wore fewer rings, and less often than I had done beforehand, until I just found that I didn't wear any rings at all. I have often thought about having them made into a different item of jewellery,but I don't like to wear ANY with living in such a warm climate, unless I go somewhere special(and this is very rare nowadays!!!) They shall be a good little nest egg for my son, though he has often told me I should sell them now and enjoy the spoils myself, to make many aspects of my own life much easier and more comfotable! What a sweet lad he is!! It is rather ironical when I think back to my younger years. I had what everyone told me were very beautiful hands, and was even asked to be a 'hand' model!! I was far more interested in my sign writing career and my messy but fun artwork than doing such a 'frivolous' thing as I thought hand modelling to be!! Now , both hands are very much different with bumps and swelling, and more pain that any human could ever need!! I still do a bit of calligraphy when I am able to, but life has certainly taken me down a very differnt though extremely content road these days, to any I could have ever imagined when I so enjoyed wearing my stunning rings all the time!!!
I have a number of expensive rings but only wear them when I feel like it. I took of my diamond rings and wedding rings when pregnant with my now 36 year old daughter and they've never been back on except occasionally on my pinky finger as they will only fit on there. I don't want to have them enlarged because my mother had an expensive blue diamond ring enlarged many years ago and the diamond was switched and that's always at the back of my mind. Unfortunately she couldn't prove the switch was made and people were more trusting back then.
No, not whilst at home, as I find them annoying!
I've various rings which I enjoy wearing when going out.
One is my 'Wedding Set', which consists of 'Ten Year Anniversary', 'Engagement', 'Eternity', & 'Wedder'. They're all Yellow Gold, with 3 being the same degree 'shoulder-slope', which makes them look really a 'set'.
The 'Wedding Ring' is 8mm wide, the other three are 4mm wide, each.
One is Diamond Solitaire, one is five equal sized Diamonds, one is Diamond Emerald cut, with two equal sized diamonds either side.
As a 'set', they look beautiful, & are kept scrupulously clean, as is ALL my jewellery!
No. Since becoming pregnant, my hands have been "all over the shop". Best I keep them off and keep comfortable.
Yes... I haven't removed my wedding ring since the day my husband placed it on my finger..... now....the bells on my toes are another matter... made wearing my shoes absolutely hell !
In my 50th year, I bought a gold ring for my longest finger on right hand with a tiny pattern on top, & another gold ring my for my longest finger, left hand, also with another different pattern on the top of it, & 2 tiny gold rings for my finger next to my left thumb! (Those 2 were only from a pawn shop!) 1 has a tiny ruby, & the other has a tiny blue sapphire. I haven't had those rings off, since I put them on my fingers, early 20 years ago. I hope my daughters remember to have them cut off me before I'm cremated, then they can sell them! I only wear my (very) wide wedding ring, when I go out, but not when I go for my morning walk!!
I find that the ring gets dirty when I do chores around the house and I hate it when stuff gets in between my finger and ring. Also the quality of the ring suffers from daily wear and tear. I own only one ring (engagement) and I don't want it spoiled.
Not being a jewellery person, it is easy for me and good for the ring that I just wear it on occasion and take it off later.
My Mums rings - she passed in 1991 and I wear them every day.
Yes, I wear a scorpion ring on my left little finger. It only comes off when I wash my hair (otherwise the tail gets caught in my long hair!) - which is only twice a week. I do wear other rings during the day, but they come off at the end of each day.
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