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Do you peel mushrooms?

by lizzi (follow)
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Yummy mushrooms. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Do you always peel your mushrooms before you eat them? Does it make a difference depending on what you are using them for?

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That depends entirely on how much of a hurry I'm in! I don't think it makes all that much difference now that I think about it, I might stop peeling them altogether!
Like I'd have time with 3 lite kids! No, but I wash them and buy organic mushrooms so we won't be exposed to anything nasty.

I don't peel them. I never have and my mother never has. We have a specific "mushroom brush" that we bought in Germany, that is supposed to be designed for brushing soil off mushrooms but all it does it make them go soggy so I don't use that either. Instead I dampen a piece of kitchen paper and wipe them very gently to remove all the dirt.
I can't think what benefits there would be to peeling them. I'm not aware of French or Italian chefs peeling mushrooms and if they don't see the need I can't imagine why anyone else would!
I don't peel mushrooms full stop.
by Vee
I used to peel mushrooms meticulously. Now I an generally preparing dinner with 2 toddlers hanging off me...we're lucky if the mushy's get a wipe over and the stem removed! lol
I don't peel them- never have. Although, I don't wash them either. It seems to make them soggy. I'll brush dirt off them with my fingers if it's noticeable when I'm cutting them up :)
I don't peel them- never have. Although, I don't wash them either. It seems to make them soggy. I'll brush dirt off them with my fingers if it's noticeable when I'm cutting them up :)
Normally I just wipe them over, and it is a Must to make sure you wipe off any dirt.
With Large mushrooms, I do peel them.
I actually do mostly peel them despite knowing that the goodness in near the surface in most vegetables.

Most places say do not peel mushrooms, so I bought a special mushroom brush.

However, depending on how dirty they are I still tend to peel them as I always think they have soil which has had chemicals in it and on it so I feel safer somehow by peeling them.

Next time I have them, I will just dry brush them, which is recommended and see if they taste different.
by Finy
I do not peel mushrooms. I do wash them although I know many people say this makes them soggy.
No, just a quick wash.
by BK
Good heaven's, no!
All the nutrient, like much other food, is under the skin!
Always peel them no matter what the size. Just don't like the thought of getting grit in my meal if not peeled even though I know the nutrients I am throwing away.
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