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Do you pay for texts on your mobile, or are they free with a package?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you pay for texts/SMS on your mobile, or are they part of your plan/package?

#Phone plan
#Mobile Package
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I get some free up to a certain point, but i rarely use all my allowance.

I also have free mobile and local, interstate calls on my land line so I tend not to use my mobile so much.
by Finy
All my texts are included in my package
I pay for it but rarely use it. There are so many messaging services that are free.
It's all included up to a point, but I rarely go over my limit.
I just pay as I go, so yes I do pay a little for texts.
Only 15 cents to America, is very good as my son is there at the moment.
I don't like plan/package.
I have a prepaid phone but the more I put on it when I recharge it, the more free talk and text I get. . . . up to a month I think it is.
by Rice
I think I get 400 text messages as part of my package. I don't use them as I use whatsapp and viber to text people
by AJ
Never pay for text included in contract never need to use full allowance.

We have a 'no plan' deal, (which we got many years ago, & it's not offered anymore,) so I pay for the calls & texts I make. I don't know how text, & only make 1/2 calls a month! We get free calls, for all over Australia & o/s, with our landline deal, so my mobile phone bill may be $1 or $2's a month, & 'they' take it out, when it adds up to $5 or over. Good deal, Eh?
by Miro
My pre-paid plan includes free text and also free calls after 6.00 p.m to 6.00 a.m. so that suits me. I prefef to text during the day and save my calls, where possible, until evening. My unused recharge dollars are carried over to the next month and I get regular free additional data added on now and then which I don'tuse as I use my tablet
I have a prepaid phone.I use a free app for texting. most of the time. Gave my land line away as it was never used.
I sometimes use it to exchange some significant informations to my friends.
My text messages are all part of my plan.

Mobile plans are so much more affordable these days. We don't even have a home phone anymore.
by Vee
I'm on the BEST mobile plan ... it pays being a loyal customer !
I pay $35 per month and receive 3GB data, 180 minutes of international calls and infinite national calls and texts (which includes international texts) ALL included WOOP WOOP.
Using Whats App and iMessenger also means more freebies.
We have to pay for txt because we're on a 'No Plan' deal, from many years ago. A lot of the time, when our bills are under $5 a month, we don't have to pay until it totals over the $5. (Hope that makes sense.)
by Miro
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