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Do you pay all your accounts online?

by Finy (follow)
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pay online
Photo: renjith krishnan -www.freedigitalphotos.net

Do you pay your accounts/bill online, or do you still write cheques, or pay in cash?

Or how do you pay your household bills?

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Everything is done on line.

It makes life very easy, I have great Internet protection...so does my Bank.
Never had one problem, great not to have the standing in line.
Yeah.All of them infact.I cannot imagine going in person to pay bills.I am glad it is online or I would be wasting precious time or happy family time.
I pay all mine online.
Two credit cards, and therefore just two transfers per month.
Very easy.
by Finy
Yes I pay all my household bills online
I buy things online, but for paying bills, etc, I prefer the non-digital method.
I pay all bills online. That way I don't have to keep a record because I can just scroll through my bank accounts. It makes for a much tidier kitchen counter.
What's a cheque again? LOL, only kidding, my cheque book has dust on it from inactivity. I certainly pay all my bills online. A lot of them from the app on my phone even as I don't always make it to the pc.
I pay some bills online, some in person. It depends on my mood and whether or not I want to get out of the house.
by Vee
Yes definitely ... I live online, so paying bills is part of that.
Yes. Never paid a bill any other way.
Will not put bank details on the Internet, so definitely no.......
No,I'm not confident enough to pay the bills on line.
Mostly online. Otherwise a money order. This way I know exact balance at all times. That's why I don't use checks.
No, I don't, quite honesltley I don't know how, so my husband does it.
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