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Do you pack leftovers for lunch?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Do you sometimes cook extra and pack leftovers for lunch the next day? Or is this too much to hassle with?

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Ofcourse. Leftovers are perfect for lunch because not only do you enjoy a healthy, tasty, home-made lunch you get peace of mind from the knowledge that there is no harmful chemical in your food, your food is not potentially 5 days old and it did not cost $10-$15 to get it (often).
I cook enough for one extra serving and pack it after it has cooled down. Then my husband can take it to work the next day without having to scratch around the kitchen for something to take.
I'm a stay at home mum so I don't usually pack lunches, but we eat leftovers for lunch all the time. We also often cook things to freeze for a later date.
Sometimes, why not....but only once in a while.
What hassle?
Simple as,I'm over spending money on take away lunch, at least I know what is in my food too!

I love it now we can buy the take away containers, I wash mine again and again....
You would be surprised how much money you can save .
I work from home, so the leftovers are in the fridge when I need them and junior is not too keen on leftovers for school,
When there are leftovers if I have to go to the office in the city. Otherwise I work from home so N/A in such cases. When I have Thai take-away with my family, my mum gets the leftovers and takes them to work the next day.
I don't often intentionally make too much in order to have leftovers, but when I do end up with extra, I'll definitely have it for lunch. It works best when there's no meat involved though, as my lunch just sits in my bag throughout the day.
All my lunches are made up of leftovers, every single day
I'm a plumber an there is nothing better than tucking into last nights dinner for lunch it's great some guys think it's easier to go to a takeaway place but It's so much money an not really worth it let's be honest..
Tried that, didn't like it. Ended up not eating it sometimes. False economy for me! So was 'cheaper' to buy fresh sandwiches, wraps etc & eat them.
Super fresh bread, rare roast beef with tomato & a smattering of Hot ENGLISH mustard, P&S, was an absolute fav of mine. With a Very Cold can of Coca-Cola! Yum!

Yes, Occasionally
Yes. We love leftovers.
by Rice
If I was still working, yes I would.
by Finy
Would depend on whether were facilities to heat them. Some of the guys where I worked used to bring in leftovers their mothers or wives prepared for them, but it used to make me feel sick when I saw gigantic pieces of leftover pan fried pizzas in the fridge. Many a time I'd be sitting at my desk drooling over the smell coming out of the kitchen.
No I never have overs, We just have a toasted sandwich for lunch the following day.
by Miro
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