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Do you own scales to weigh yourself with?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have scales at home to weigh yourself with?

Do you use them regularly?

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Yes I have electronic scales and I used to weigh myself almost every day.

Now i do not often weigh as I can tell if I have put on by my underwear, and also I am not as obsessed about my weight as I used to be.

Getting older seems to get rid of a few "phobias"!

I probably weigh myself once every fortnight if that.
by Finy
Yep, huge smile on my face right now.
by Vee
You know it :)
by jonaja
Yep I sure do. Each morning, same routine, wake up, head to the bathroom (slight detour to the toilet), strip down and before stepping in the shower, hop on the scales. It keeps me aware of where I'm at (and no...I'm not obsessive...just part of my daily routine).
Yes, I do. No, I don't.
by Rice
Ha ha ha ha ha !!! or should that be Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!!!

by Jules
I have scales in my bathroom,but cannot recall the last time I used them.I get weighed every month when I go to my specialist for my check-up.
My scales need to learn the homily, "Least said, soonest mended!" LOL
by Rice
Ha ah ah ah ah ah!!!! I think mine have only been used to weigh my furry friends in the past Forever!!!!!
by Jules
Yes I do, I don't actually weigh myself on it since there are scales at the gym I'm a member of (want to keep the weighing instrument consistent!)
We have a scale at home. My mom bought it for the whole family to use and everyone freely weighs themselves on it every now and then to see how much they've gained or lost.

We even use these scales to measure the weight of our pet cats and dogs. I am not so obsessed with my weight, though, so I hardly step on the scale. When I do, it's usually on a whim.
Yes. I have digital scales in the bathroom. I don't use them that often, as I can tell if I have put on or lost weight by my clothes.
yeah i do. I try not to use them too often, as I get obsessive about it. I will weigh myself, eat an apple, and re-weigh myself. same when I move around. its a great distraction... but you can't run away from actuality forever.
Nope, therefore, no!

Every time I go to my GP, he weighs me, takes my BP, & checks my pulse!
All is ticketty-boo currently, thank goodness!
I was given some a little while ago but I never use them.
exactly...life is too busy for them, who cares is what I say...we all find out with our clothes anyhow.
by jonaja
yes I have electronic scales and weighed myself religiously when I realised I had gained 20 kilos 6 months after quitting smoking
now that I have lost 10 kilo I don't weigh as often and I don't smoke anymore ... I still miss smoking but I just don't do it
I no longer miss smoking -I hate it now -some 20 years after I stopped. Do you feel better for stopping?
by Finy
not really, although I have a lot more money in my account.
by jimsw
yes I have electronic scales and weighed myself religiously when I realised I had gained 20 kilos 6 months after quitting smoking
now that I have lost 10 kilo I don't weigh as often and I don't smoke anymore ... I still miss smoking but I just don't do it
I have scales that used to live in my kitchens. Since moving house, I've put them in the garage in the new place. I don't really need them as I can tell by my clothes if I've put on weight and if I get out of breath chasing the kids around or walking up a few flights of stairs I know I need to exercise more.
Yes I have a set in the bathroom but only weigh myself when I feel like it.
Yes and no. I bought them when I was pregnant so I could monitor my ballooning. LOL.
by Vee
To be honest, I hardly ever weigh myself. I would much rather feel good than hit some impressive number on the scales :)
Yes. Hubby & I have recently bought electronic scales & weigh ourselves every few days. I've recently lost 10 kg & he has lost 20 kg so I am determined not to get too overweight again. If the scales start going the wrong way, I know it's time to be a little more careful with what I'm eating (& drinking). I didn't realise how quickly the weight can creep up on you - very easy to ignore. I like being able to fit back into clothes I haven't worn for a few years.
My aunty gave me a set, back in the late 60's or early 70's, so I still use those in my en-suite. I jump on them once to twice a week.

by Miro
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