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Do you own more than one fridge?

by Vee (follow)
Kitchen (39)      Appliances (18)      Fridge (3)     

Attribution: auttiedot, morguefile.com

I know many people who own more than one fridge. On a day to day basis, they may not be used much, but they are pretty good in the case of a party, and they can always be turned off when not in use.

Do you own more than one fridge? If so, where do you keep it?

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Used to. Downstairs fridge was an ALL refrigerator, which kept the extra bottles of milk, chilled wine, spare creamed honey, spare fruit & veggies.
Now just have a 518litre trad fridge/freezer.
We only have one fridge, but we have two freezers.
I technically "own" more than one fridge but as one is currently in storage, it's not much use! We have a good sized fridge and a really good freezer, so have no need for any more in use. We have nowhere to put one anyway, hence the storage!
We did until a couple of months ago! Mice ate through our spare fridge. They always come into the house in Autumn and being in the rumpus room we didn't know about it until it was too late. Now we own a deep chest freezer and a side by side fridge / freezer. The chest freezer lives in the rumpus room.
how did they get into the fridge?
by jonaja
I only have one fridge.
I would love another Fridge.

It would be if I had the space, in my garage(if I had one of them)!
I never seem to have enough space in my fridge, so the other would have Meat & Veg in it :)
I would not have to go shopping, as much as I do.

I have always said that even my son, who has 2 children, needs another fridge.
There is always so jammed packed....If I was building a home, or even just buying a new one, I would make room for two big fridges, people can always fill them....
We have one big side by side fridge freezer in the kitchen and we have a second fridge out the back that we use for drinks when we have a party. It's a VERY old and dodgy fridge so we can't use it for storing food, but it works okay for drinks.
Four. (and a chest freezer) Not my doing.
by Rice
Wow! May I ask why?
by Vee
Where to begin . . . 1) He's a hoarder. 2) He's a compulsive food buyer 3) He buys the dogs' meat in 60kg lots or more 4) He filled my original fridge in record time 5) He has brought his mother's fridge over as she is in a home now 6) somebody gave him a perfectly good one 7) He bought one for $50 that is fridge only - no freezer . . . . . . . . . . . . hoping to rehome that one! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
by Rice
(Picks up jaw from the floor). Any luck finding the 'only fridge' a new home?
by Vee
Not yet! (grrrrr)
by Rice
This is a one fridge household. As the house is small there would be no room for a second one.
No, we only have a fridge, with a freezer on the top part of it. Our eldest daughter has a very OLD retro fridge, & it's really tiny, for the 4 of them. (Lucky the family is vegetarian!) Our other daughter & partner have 1 in the kitchen, & 1 down the back yard in the shed, which was already there, before she moved in with him.
by Miro
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