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Do you own and use a Kindle or similar product?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you own and use a Kindle or similar device to read books?

#Read books
#Reading device
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I have an i pad so I guess I could read on there if I wanted to.
However I like the smell, feel of a real book and as I am on computers etc a lot of the day I would rather stick to an ordinary book than have to look at a screen for hours as well to read!

I do not think I will change my mind on this as a Kindle or reading on a tablet holds no interest for me.
by Finy
Oh, Finy!! a soul after my own bookworm heart!! I shall always enjoy my real ink and paper books, no matter what!!!
by Jules
I have a Kindle and read both that and traditional paper books. I like the Kindle more than otehr e-readers becasue it is not backlit and so isn't like looking at a computer screen. It does mean you need a light to read by but I think it's helathier than the glare from the backlit screens.

We bought a KIndle for my aging Mum and it was the best thing ever. She absolutley loves reading and now that her eyes are failing a little having the ability to make the print larger has been a God send. Even the voice read function on it is very useful for her although it sometimes doesn't handle dialogue vey well.
Totally agree with you :-)) I never get sore eyes from my Kindle and often read well into the wee hours. I simply cannot hold a book anymore, much as I adore them, so my Kindle is a godsend to me. The voice function can be a hoot as you said but I have a few "real" audiobooks which are beautifully narrated by well known people and they are delightful. I can imagine how wonderful it is for your dear mum . . . tell her I have even named mine. LOL
by Rice
Kindle and reading books online is simply NOT in my lifestyle at all!!!! I am an avid collector of antique and old books and I love nothing more than holding a book in my hands, seeing, and feeing the pages as I turn them, and even getting a huge buzz from the smell of the ink and the paper of a REAL book!! I shall NEVER change unless I become so crippled that I am totally unable to handle a book anymore!
I do not own one. I use my smartphone to do that type of reading. I like gadgets but I like the ones I can get the most from. I have a laptop too so that will suffice for now
No. I don't have one. I am not really interested in having one. Nothing can compare to the feel of real paper between the fingers and the smell of real ink.
Oh Gosh, Luxi, you have a good sniffer if you can still smell the ink - LOL!
by Finy

LOVE IT SOOO MUCH.....in bed all lights turned off, just me and Kindle.
The soft light from it is a lovely time to read and drift away in the story.
bliss* . . . . yay!!
by Rice
isn't it just :)
by jonaja
I have the kindle app on my ipad.
by AJ
I bought a kindle when it first came out and used it for about a year before deciding I just wasn't enjoying the experience. I got rid of it and went back to paper books.
This is such a refreshingly cheerful thing for me to read!!! Good on You!!!!
by Jules
Yeah, I ended up only reading free books because I didn't want to spend money on something without a nice front cover, was only digital, and technically didn't exist. But because they were free books, they weren't ones I was actually interested in, so I began to dislike reading. That was no good, so I just went back to classic methods.
Yes - I own a Kobo. Best thing ever for when I'm travelling, though when I'm home I prefer an actual book.
Ido have a kindle,but I,ve never used it,my husband bought it for me one christmas.
I do own one but haven't used it for years. It sits in my wardrobe in the packaging it came in. I guess when I nod off there is less to break when reading from a book.
As I love reading I read books at home but when on holiday or travel on public transport I find a kindle easier as it fits nicely in a handbag.
Yes for years and love them...

No. I prefer physical books. That way I can doodle in them if and when I need or want to.
by Vee
No I don't.
by Miro
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