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Do you own an electric mixer, and do you use it often?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you own an electric mixer?

What do you use it for, and what brand is it?

#Electric mixer
#Kenwood mixer
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I have a hand held electric mixer which I use. I hate kitchen gadgets. Waste of money and space in my opinion. I am a minimalist. The few things I have are vintage, American made, and very high quality.
Oh! Polly........American-made goods are always very good quality!

I've hand-towels, which I bought in 1985, & they look as if I bought them yesterday!
Their absorbency has been the best, even through daily usage all these years!

by donjo
Hi Rice. Your favorite "yank."
by Polly
Thanks, Donjo!
by Polly
I have a Kenwood Chef and I use it mainly for baking cakes, biscuits etc.
However as I have the attachments for mincing, shredding, I also use it regularly for things like cold slaw or shredding cabbage or cheese etc.

A very handy gadget.
Before that I had a Sunbeam Mixmaster for 30 years.
by Finy
We have a kitchen aid in our home. My wife bought it about 12 years ago. Last year she bought a kitchen aid hand mixer but rarely uses it.
Dwatk, What colour is your wive's lovely Kitchen Aid? (You can answer under my name in 'reply')!
by Miro
I used to have a Kenwood. It threw stuff everywhere. Now I only have an electric hand mixer and it might get used twice a year.
by Rice
I have a food processor that does everything but whistle Dixie. It's a Breville. No need to have a mixer that only mixes. Prefer to have one appliance that does it all. I use it when making certain things. I just made a strawberry cream pie and a lemon meringue pie for a Christmas party. Made both things from Go to Whoa using the processor. We have a handheld electric mixer that I may use to whip cream to put on a dessert, instead of getting out the processor just for something simple like that. I never make cakes or biscuits, but occasionally make a dessert. With Christmas round the corner, I am doing a lot more cooking..
Oh! Lluxi,
You should've invested in the more expensive 'Beyond the Pale' version!
Not only does it whistle 'Dixie' but also plays Tchaikovsky's 'Piano Concerto #1', as well as Nigel Kennedy's latest version of Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons'!

Don't know why you scrimped on saving $2, when you could've bought THIS!
by donjo
I did once when a young housewife.

I now don't now because I'm over them.

My heavy cooking days are gone, and for that I say ''Thank You'' : )
I do but I rarely use. I think its breville. That just shows how much I use it!!
by AJ
One of my lovely Aunt's, bought as a Wedding present for us, the 'Kenwood Chef', with ALL attachments!

If was in continuous use, until it just got to be a real nuisance, getting out of, & into cupboard constantly, as no spare bench-space to keep it on permanently, more's the pity, & it was HEAVY!

I eventually sold it to a lady training to be a Chef!
She was 'over the moon', & I was 'sorry' to see it go, but needs must!
It'd served me very well, & was in excellent condition

Now I only own a 'Sunbeam' hand mixer, or 'Bamix Stick'.

Use the former for 'big jobs', & the latter, for 'lightweight' mixes', eg soup blending, or malted milk making!

My original 'Bamix' 'died', after ONLY 30 years' of daily mixing all the foods' for the babies', onwards!

Can't get a good product, can one? Lol!

Luv' em both!
I have my mother's Sunbeam, vintage 1950's. I use the glass bowls more often than the mixer. It is heavy and takes up a lot of room. It is reliable. Everything today is plastic.
Yes, Irith, I still have the small white ceramic bowl from my Mother's 1950's 'Mixmaster'!

It has the 'honour' on being the bowl, each year, in which I make the 'Brandy Butter', from my Grandmother's, my Mother's mum, Recipe, for the Xmas Plum Pudding!

Merry Xmas to you!
by donjo
I was given a second hand Sunbeam mixmaster in 1975. I used it a lot. It gave up the ghost about 10 years back but I still have the large bowl which I use frequently. I have a hand held Kenwood electric mixer which I use now and then. If I make a cake I usually mix it by hand. These days I hardly ever use cream but if I do and need to beat it I use the Kenwood mixer.
I have a collection of Sunbeam MixMasters, sadly in storage at present. I have one on my counter that I use occasionally, mainly if I have citrus to juice. It is a yellow one like Jonaj picture. I don't have the cool geen accessories, mine are black.
I have a Kitchen Aid mixer that I love and use about once or twice a month.
I've several electric mixers, Kenwood Chefette, and 4 others, one is an expensive brand and I can't for the life of me, remember the brand. I tend to use one of the cheaper brands, or the hand held mixer purely for the convenience and rarely use the newest food processor which my husband bought because I don't like the brand, nor the ugly stainless steel style of it.
I don't own one. I mix everything by hand!
Yes,I have an electric mixer and I make coffee in it.
I do have an electric mixer, but no I don't use it often, I also have a hand held one to.
No, I don't have 1. I think they take up to much bench top space, & I only have a tiny bench top space!
by Miro
We'd told both of our daughters, years ago, that we'd buy them a mixmaster. They both loved the Kitchen Aid ones. I can't remember what colour 1 the eldest daughter bought, but the youngest daughter only choose hers in March, while we were visiting, & bought the lovely 'ice' coloured 1. She had a photo on Facebook of the 16 hot x buns she'd made with it to take to the in-laws for their week-end away over Easter.
by Miro
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