One of my lovely Aunt's, bought as a Wedding present for us, the 'Kenwood Chef', with ALL attachments!
If was in continuous use, until it just got to be a real nuisance, getting out of, & into cupboard constantly, as no spare bench-space to keep it on permanently, more's the pity, & it was HEAVY!
I eventually sold it to a lady training to be a Chef!
She was 'over the moon', & I was 'sorry' to see it go, but needs must!
It'd served me very well, & was in excellent condition
Now I only own a 'Sunbeam' hand mixer, or 'Bamix Stick'.
Use the former for 'big jobs', & the latter, for 'lightweight' mixes', eg soup blending, or malted milk making!
My original 'Bamix' 'died', after ONLY 30 years' of daily mixing all the foods' for the babies', onwards!
Can't get a good product, can one? Lol!
Luv' em both!