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Do you own a thermometer for taking your temperature?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you own a thermometer, and how often would you use it?

#Taking temperature
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Yes. We have a digital thermometer that I have had for many years. I have always had a thermometer of some type since the children were little. It came in very handy last year when I developed pneumonia. I had a very high fever and chills. The doctor asked me to keep an eye on my fever and if it got to a certain temperature, I was told to go to hospital, which I ended up having to do..
I haven't owned a thermometer for many, many years - I wouldnt even know what sort they are nowadays!

I have no need for one - occasionally I have seen them at the chemist and think I mUST buy one but then I think "what for" and yes, I do talk to myself!!

I do not get colds etc so probably do not need a thermometer, and have no children at home.
by Finy
Yes. We have one that is similar to this one. We use it primarily for our son.
by Vee
ER UM, WHERE do you put it?
by Finy
Ear, Finy! Ear. Hahaha. Surely it's not long enough to probe a person with.
by Vee
LOL...i thought ear but thought that was also old fashioned but had no idea where else they took it - nose?
by Finy
You can now get thermometers that you simply place on the forehead and they take a reading. We found they aren't very accurate.
by Vee
When I had children in the house yes.
It is a Must.

Now we don't need one as we really do not get sick?
I know crazy.......I have not needed to use a Thermometer in about 15 yrs.

It is something every Mum needs, as children have a habit of their Temps going up and down all the time...If I lost mine when my boys were young, I was in the car running to the chemist to get one ...and in a panic....lol.

Now they have amazing ones, so I would have Loved one of them! :)
Yes, I have one like the one in jonaj's photo. probably gets used once a year if it's lucky.
by Rice
Yes,I have always had some for4m of thermometer in my house.My son was very sick with asthmas and bronchitis when he was tiny, and I also have had my share of health issues,so it is just something I have always had as part of my first aid kit!! I must admit that I do far prefer the digital ones which are available now,to the old fashioned glass ones from days gone by,and I have had one for many years!

One time, I was just SO ill with bronchitis, I had to 'phone my Doctor, for one day, at two hourly intervals, to let him know my temperature.

He was just THAT close to hosptilizing me, but it didn't come to that, thank goodness, & he said to the two best things' I had in my favour, were I'd very strong lungs, due to so msny years' of competiticpve Swimming,& that I did NOT smoke!

My wife has a thermometer to testing the temperature of food items. I have one used for testing the temperature of electrical components. We don't use either regularly.
Can't tell you the last time I had a thermometer, if at all. The only thing I recall owning was a small plastic frog square which tested the temperature of the bath water when the kids were babies.
Can't tell you the last time I had a thermometer, if at all. The only thing I recall owning was a small plastic frog square which tested the temperature of the bath water when the kids were babies.
Yes, we had 1 like the 1 in the main photo, about 40 years ago, then progressed to an oblong plastic strip we used on the forehead, which worked for us. I think it's still in the bathroom cupboard.
by Miro
I have a thermometer for taking my temperature but haven't used it in many years. When I had young children it was used regularly.
Yes,I have a thermometer and a good one.
Yes, we have always had a thermometer as part of our First Aid Kit.
Use it only if one feels they may have the flu.
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