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Do you own a tablet e.g. I Pad - and what do you use it for?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you own a tablet, and if so, which sort?

What do you use it for?

#I Pad
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I have an i pad which I use heaps!

I use it for playing games, including Scrabble and a few others.

I still prefer my pc for general computer however I could now not do without my I pad.

I use it a lot while I am watching TV at night and when I have nothing to do in the day. I play one game that is good for memory, and I like the fact that on some of the games, e.g. scrabble, you can interact with the person you are playing with.

I think tablets are a great invention as you can sit in your favourite chair and use them anywhere!
by Finy
I don't own a tablet because I'm not yet cool enough. Maybe in a few years when I can get a hand-me-down!
I have an iPad mini and I use it a lot!! I would be lost without it
by AJ
I would like one, but they cost....so I just use my PC.
I do not have a tablet. I always thought I would love to have one until I tried using my son's when he was up her and it totally did my head in!!!! I think it is due to my fingers and hands being so arthritic and painful.I just could not seem to get it to do what I wanted it to,especially with trying to type an email!!!.
I will stick with ,y little laptop which is about the same size as a tablet but because of its keyboard,it sits up nicely without me having to hold it at all. The main thing I prefer though about the laptop ios the huge hard drive which holds all of my 'stuff' including gazillions of photos!!! I know you can get keyboards to attach to the tablets,and you can expand the memory capacity,but really, why would I bother when I have a perfectly super laptop which has all these capabilities without having to add anything!!!!
No I don't, not because I don't want one...just haven't got around it it and my laptop and I phone seem to suffice at present...
by fran
No, but I wish I had one!
I don't have a tablet. The laptop is enough for me.
by Vee
After much persuasion, I purchased this Apple ITablet Air!

I'm a 'Luddite' when it comes to technology. It's just a 'means' to be able to do 'something', like a kitchen appliance 'helps' there to make life 'easier'!

But now I've been using it, I find it great, & very useful to find 'information, to watch TV shows missed & to get & send emails'.
Three person house with four android tablets surfing internet school work little bit of games and movies
No, I just wanted a little pink Apple 11" laptop, because my 13"Apple was to heavy to take on our Melbourne trips. My husband now uses that 1. I have a friend who's had a tablet for years, & she's now got a new 1 from her 1000's of Flyby points!
by Miro
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