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Do you own a sewing machine, and do you use it?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you own a sewing machine, and do you use it?

#Sewing machine
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No, I gave my sewing machine away some years ago as I rarely used it.
Even though it was very old it worked OK and was a good brand, however using it less than once a year I rather give it to someone who would use it, and I have to pay to get something done that I would have used it for!

I used to use it a bit more when I had young children.
by Finy
No. I have never owned a sewing machine. I do not like sewing, and refuse to do it. If I have anything that needs repairing, I pay someone else to do it.
Ohhhh dear. Not a sewing person, I fear . . . . and sewing machines are all greek to me. If I sew anything, it is by hand and I try to avoid it altogether.
by Rice
touche - I avoid sewing!
by Finy
Sure do.

I use it mainly for hemming & smaller scale craft projects.
I didn't but my aunt has one and she uses it to this day.
I made my mother buy me a sewing machine when I was a child. I think I used it once. I still have it!
by AJ
I have two standard sewing machines and an overlocker. One machine needs a small repair, but I used the others a month ago to make an interesting top from several long sleeved t shirts. Mine are not used a lot, but I wouldn't like to be without them. Sometimes it will be a year or more since last use, but every now and then I have a burst and use it on a few projects in a few months . I use mine as an art tool as well as for standard repairs or construction. I am into repair, reuse and recycle so need a sewing machine at times.
A few years ago I bought a nifty secondhand cabinet that folds out to a practical L shape work station and yet closed is fairly compact. It houses overlocker and one sewing machine. It makes getting a project started much simpler.
I LOVE my sewing machine.
I do need a new one, as it is about 20' something years old....but until it give up on me, I will continue to make my little hearts.
I own a VERY old Singer that belonged to my mother. She hardly ever used it, so I said I'd take it (so my sisters couldn't have it!) There is something wrong it however, & I never bothered to have it repaired, & I would barely know how to use it. I do do a few sowing repairs by hand though, & I did sow a dress in year 6 or 7 which I've now given to my youngest daughter, because she loves everything vintage! In year 8 I sowed 2 cotton nighties. I still have 1 of those, while the other 'fell apart' And I also made another dress back then, which I still have somewhere, but as Rice has said, "I'm not a sowing person", but I can't make myself sell the machine, while my Mum is still alive.
by Miro
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