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Do you own a pair of Christian Louboutins?

by Jamie0liversgirl (follow)
Fashion (139)      Shoes (35)      Style (23)     

They'te the red-soled shoe of the century with a heavy price tag. Do you own a pair of these iconic beauties?

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No, but I will go out and buy some red paint. Save heaps.
Well said!
by annfi
Nope. I don't own any expensive shoes. I can appreciate pretty ones but if I can't walk in them I don't buy them, and I probably couldn't afford those anyway.
I know what you mean - they're so pricey it's unbelievable.
Actually I have never heard of this brand, so I obviously don't own any.
I would not buy an article purely because it is a brand name, in fact I would probably steer clear of it as I object to paying more because it is a trendy brand.
by Finy
They're quite fashionable and a hit with the celebrities!

I have a lot to do with my money, anyway...If I wanted too I could buy a nice pair of heels, paint the red underneath! LOL....I know that may have made you want to faint!
I had honestly thought about doing the same! They're simply out of my price range!
And why not. We should all do this and show those silly wasteful celebreties!
by annfi
Nope - but I also don't want what everyone else wears - I like my own style, and I love it when people comment and ask me where I get stuff (as they've never seen it before.)
I got a Mettalicus dress once, having never heard of them, and just thought it was cute - I wore it to a party and every second person said "Oh, is that Mettalicus? I love Mettalicus." so I didn't wear it again for about a year....
Cool approach to have! Amen to that!
Me too. I prefer a unique look.
by annfi
No, they do look great, but I can't wear heels so it would be a waste of money for me.
You can't wear heels?!
No. I can't justify buying a pair of shoes that come with such a hefty price tag.
by Vee
I completely agree.
For a moment I thought they were a picture of your shoes and I was feeling very jealous. I couldn't justify the price but I would love a pair of red soled shoes. I can just imagine arriving to do a big presentation at work in a smart black suit with the surprise flash of red as I stride into the conference room!
Haha, they're a friends! I plan on buying myself a pair for my birthday in a few months, however!
Out of my price range but they do make flat heeled shoes too, but OH SOOO expensive! Now if I had lots of money, that may be another story! LOL These days I go for comfort too and European footwear, they wear and fit better.
No, & never would!
At my age, have enough shoes to see me through!
Even THEY don't get worn anymore! When I get the energy to do so, many are going to Lifeline!

Nowadays, for me, it's all about more comfort!
Wear comfy 'walking type' shoes shopping & boots when going out at night, usually.
If attending a daytime function, it'll be comfy fashionable shoes.
No. I could not justify such an expense. Even if I had the money I am not a slave to fashion.
No.....Bugger !

No, but I don't want to break my neck at my age !

No, I.ve never owned a pair of these fancy shoes.
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