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Do you, or would you, shop at Aldi?

by Finy (follow)
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There are many new Aldi stores scheduled to open this year.

If you already have them in your area, do you shop there regularly?

If you get a store nearby, would you shop there instead of where you go now?

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aNo I would not.
I would rather support our Australian companies including the smaller supermarkets.

I do not see why I would buy from a German company who do not pay taxes in Australia and therefore give little back to Australians.

I wonder if they would let US open a store in their country?
by Finy
psssst. Aldi has been Australian self funded for a few years now. I have no qualms about shopping there.
by Rice
Don't overseas companies have to pay taxes to do business here anyway?
they employ australians
by brigi
They're awesome!!
Great products, great prices!
I get twice as many groceries for half the price!
I'm becoming a regular.
And some of the specials you will not find the same quality product anywhere for their price!
My dad sent me to ALDI for him to get one of the specials, the day they released it. The specials go quick!
Ich liebe Aldi.
J'adore Aldi.
I love Aldi.
My other half will actually ring me up and say, "Guess what? I'm in Aldi without you" . . . . in a sing-song voice. LOL
by Rice
We mostly shop in the closest/most convenient supermarket (which happens to be a Woolworths) unless we are looking for something they don't stock. If there was an Aldi close by and they had what we needed and weren't more expensive we would probably shop there.
I do for certain items have to go to Aldi.

The other 2 Big Supermarkets don't have what Aldi have.

I can not say I could use them all the time, but their meat I like very much.
Certain female products are great.

They always have very interesting Christmas items, but I could not fully shop there, and make the change from my very much loved
Coles Supermarket....

That would be too hard, as I can't get all I need at Aldi. They are too limiting with what they have to offer.

Life is better with two places to shop, so I will continue to use them.
yes I would . the other day shopped at woolworths and quite a few things that I wanted were not available
I never shop at Aldi unless there is something very cheap. People may not realise that it is a German company so all the profits from Australians spending there, go straight back to Germany. I would prefer the money to stay within Australia. Also, the other supermarkets have at least 80,000 lines, so it is possible to find what you want or need, and you can do a full shop there. Aldi has only 30,000 lines and it is impossible to get everything you need there. If they concentrated on food, and not TVs and whipper snippets, it might be possible to do a full shop there, as everyone seems to like the ( German) food bargains.
do you also avoid all the other foreign companies?
by brigi
I can CONTROL where I buy my food, and I would go to an Australian supermarket every time.
by Lluxi
I totally agree with you Lluxi -I CAN control where the majority of my spending money goes, and I do not want it going to germany when we need it so much here in our own beautiful country. People do not seem to care about this sort of thing whether they employ Australians or not, the profits do not stay in Australia and most of these foreign companies pay little Australian tax.
by Finy
We shop regularly at ALDI as their prices are good and prices remain stable not changing from week to week like the other main chain stores.
I also enjoy the special Items brought in each week (with specials different each week).
I believe they have helped bring down the prices of groceries from the main chain stores, who now have a competitor challenging them.
Well done ALDI and thanks.

Charles and Heather
There are certain items I'd never buy from Aldi, like meat. I do find their fruit and veggies to be much cheaper than the chain stores and fresher. They carry a lot of Aussie made products and their bunches of flowers are so much cheaper too. I also have bought many a household item much cheaper as well.
We do not have Aldi here,so I cannot shop there even if I wanted to!!! I must say that I am getting more and more disgruntled with the BIG TWO as so many of their items are NOT Australian,when they SHOULD be!!!
Jules, there are still many products Australian made if you look carefully, I do not buy a lot that is not apart from perhaps things like Kraft who are owned I think by a non Australian company but operate factories etc here. Do you think Aldo being a German product will have all Australian products?
by Finy
I hear so many conflicting stories about ownership,product availability,etc, that I would honestly want to look a lot more deeply into the whole issue!!! But as they don't look like coming up to North Qld any time soon,I don't need to bother about it.
by Jules
Ok Aldi have some good specials sometimes, and generally good prices, but not the range we WANT. Nor the brands we WANT. Not the variety in size either or choice we WANT.

Sadly, if what we also NEED is not all under one roof, it is not a viable choice, pending the distance and running around, parking AGAIN, time etc, then it is NOT economical when all thing is considered. Aldi doesn't have what all we NEED. (Budding Chef and Asian Cuisine).
(Sorry, not shouting, I just needed to emphasis wants v needs).

But if it did not matter on these points yes we would/could buy at Aldi. We tried, but for our kitchen goodies list, does not work.

Calculating and averaging over a year, smaller product sizes, groceries, cleaning items, lack of items, no scoop n weigh, extra fuel/distance, no loyalty bonuses, etc, it is about equal $$ wise.

Factoring in time, my distaste of shopping and crowds, and doing it all twice for one shopping trip defeats any gains. Being logical and a numbers nut with OCD kills all the fun.

At the moment, it is not viable, so - nein, niet, nada, tida and no!

They also sit to serve, I can not handle that. Also, their customer service manners are nearly non existent, Very poor standards(Maroochydore/Kawana).

If and when we want some advertised special or fancy European goodies, yes, worth the detour.
Although we do not yet have any in WA, what you say seems to be the general thoughts -what is the point if you still have to go to another shop?
Also dont they have large quantities or do they also do normal small quantities of things?
They also have more things than food, dont they?
by Finy
Hi Finy, if the store were in the same building or complex, and you don't have full trolleys worth to lug around, then splitting between may be possible for some.
They do have single sales like the other supermarkets and from my two mentioned stores as experience only, they are not like the bulk stores, Costco etc..

They stock a good range to cover most average shopping lists, and then some really strange items too, such as Electronics, camping, tools, safety gear and beyond.
But, they only have one or two options in a product line, not many more varieties or sizes and choices as the other supermarkets.

To some Angels, this is perfect. To me, it is not.

I shop there regularly as it by far the closest. Some items I have to go to other stores for but I like the limited range as I make far fewer random and unnecessary purchases.

I like their weird and wonderful themed catalogues. I've bought some very useful things there - a fabulous torch, an excellent toaster oven and a much used dehydrator.

As for seated cashiers, I thought that was thoughtful towards the employees.

I'm pretty sure not all profits go to Germany. And Woolworths and Coles are wicked anyway.

If it is a foreign owned company, where do the ultimate profits go if not back to the owners and shareholders?
by Finy
Fair point but they are at least employing Australians and they do have Australian products. Let's face it all big supermarkets are dodgy.
by lynne
I have now shopped at Aldi twice and would shop there again. I have a suspicion that the meat prices may be slightly lower at Coles but there are many items which impressed me by being lower than the other stores. To help save on prices, you DO have to pack them yourself, however this didn't take very long, and I considered it a fair exchange. The staff are polite and the stores are clean. I didn't find it at all confusing (as has been suggested in the TV ads). Many of the products have the Made in Australia kangaroo in the triangle which I was pleased to find.
I would say check Aldi out and make up your own mind.
No, & No.

On principle, their profits go back to Getmany.

Do they pay Tax to Australia? Or are they like IKEA who leave Oz billions $ poorer of Tax!
Aldi is our closed supermarket, & we love it. We shop there once a week. I do have to go elsewhere for my tonic (for my small glass of G&T at dinner,) as they don’t sell that, but we‘ve saved & the $4.99 bunches of flowers are usually very good value.We’ve saved heaps of money, shopping for the 2 of us at Aldi My husband loves looking at all the non food items while I get the food shopping done!
About once I month, I do have to go to another supermarket for other items that Aldi don't sell, like my yogurts in packets, that I make up myself, from Woolies. (Coles don't sell them anymore!) We find Aldi sell everything cheaper, so we've saved heaps of money, & I can afford buy flowers any time I like.
by Miro
I do the majority of my shopping at Aldi. The quality of their meat and products is excellent.I have never had the need to complain about anything.
Apparently in 2013 Aldi paid the average corporate tax rate of 31% of net profit (their tax bill amounted to $81.6 million), so it would seem they are paying their fair share of tax to Australia.
Yes we love shopping at ALDI, it is the best thing that has happened in years.
They have broken the stranglehold that Woolworth's and Coles had on shoppers with their prices. Can't wait for Libby's to arrive from Europe.

I shop at Aldi for the essentials, like toilet paper, or shampoo and washing detergent. I've tried their portview tuna and the ocean view salmon but they aren't very nice to eat. The ocean rise tuna is not bad though.

I also find that if you are buying fresh produce from Aldi you really have to eat them within a day or two since they don't keep very well.

Their instant dinners and steamed vegies though are great and value for money.

For everything else I go to my local Asian grocer or supermarket
always shop there have used Aldis in Germany, in the UK,and always in Australia
Yes I do and I have shopped at Aldi's I don't mind it, it depends what your after.
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