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Do you, or have you ever done a craft, and what is/was it?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever done a craft and what is/was it?

#Favourite craft
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I have done many crafts in my time.
Spinning my llama wool, knitting it.
Before that I did the painting on articles -folk art, and also the one where you build up layers of the same picture -cannot remember what it is called.

Also learnt to crochet and I'm sure I have tried a few things, but forgotten them!
by Finy
I think the building up of layers may be decoupage.
by amanda
I adore crafts of all different varieties. My arthritis prohibits me from continuing with them though,which is heartbreaking for me. I have done calligraphy and made my cards since my teens.I also done spinning,weaving,knitting, sewing,embroidery,tapestry,really fine grade beading,drawing,painting,making bookmarks, drying and pressing flowers,then creating pictures with them,Quilling, etc.,etc... Honestly,just way too many to list. The beading and the calligraphy always have given me immense satisfaction along with my card making.
I do a lot of it.
I make stands for cake plates, I collect old things and make a work of art with them.
I paint watercolors, and sell them...(not really craft).
I do a design on note books that is 3D.
The list is endless, but I do mainly upmarket stuff, so we can sell for a good price...and the money funds 'missions' for people .
Say the homeless, or people who go without etc.
The pic is one of mine, I just did.
Jonaj -I tried this but couldnt do it recently!
by Finy
I learnt floral arrangement when I was young, does that count. I tried tatting as well but was never very goods at it.
Not really - not since school
by AJ
Yes, I'm a very crafty person and love making things! I've just started publishing articles on Classie (a new HG hub) showing how to make various craft projects.
I can knit, sew (machine and hand), quilt, crochet, paper crafts...... just love it!
Yes, lots. Crochet, lace making, making beaded jewellery, friendship bracelets. I'm sure there others but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Yes thru my life I hve done many eg pottery, painting, croquet, tatting, embroidery...
by fran
Many different crafts. I wish I had more time and energy for them!
I have got to be THE most 'craft-less' person on earth! It doesn't appeal to me in any way, shape or form! BUT, I admire greatly those who do ANY craft!

My Mother did a 'Floral Arrangemrnt Course', for both dried & live flowers. She was excellent at it, as she was with most things.
I remember well stopping by the roadside to pick 'bullrushes' & 'pine cones' which were spray painted, canisters had become the 'rage' at this time, in gold or silver. They made wonderful centre-pieces for the table, especially at XMAS time.
Yes, I do a lot of fine beadwork, making unique one off items that others don't seem to think of.

Current project is a set of macaroons, which I'm then storing in an egg carton.

I cut a foam ball in half, colour the outside one colour and the inside another, bead two layers on each of the inner sides, one on the outside, then glue them both together.
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