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Do you often use cream in baking and on top of cakes?

by Finy (follow)
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Cream (7)      Cream for cooking (1)      Thickened cream (1)     

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Do you like cream?

Do you use it in cooking, and do you put it on top of a piece of cake?

#Cream for cooking
#Thickened cream
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I love cream, and in particular clotted cream which I have been unable to buy in Perth for years now.

I don't buy it specially but I often cook with it, and have some left over, and if I have cake, or biscuits of certain types, I will add cream.

I very occasionally put cream in my coffee instead of mailk, which is also nice.

I quite often cook with cream and now sometimes use the special cooking one, one of which has less calories.
by Finy
I love a bit of whipped cream with cake, particularly if it's been whipped with a bit of vanilla and icing sugar. Oh no, I think I'm putting on calories just thinking about it!
you have my vote! I would say exactly what you said...lol :)
by jonaja
As I have a problem with dairy products,I rarely eat cream,I do love the taste,but it makes me very ill.
I do not use cream a lot , and never on the top of cake. I am not a big fan of cream. Having said that, I have had a lot of home made pure cream as a kid . I just don't like it anymore.
by BK
by fran
I use cream to make cheese sauces for pasta. My favorites sauces to make are Gorgonzola and Alfredo. I also whip cream for deserts occasionally and will use up the remainder in my coffee.
I like cream but I rarely use it at homr
by AJ
Not as much as I would like to. I love using cream.
by Gia
I can't stand the stuff. If I'm eating out I always ask for dessert without it and half the time they forget and put it on anyway which is annoying.
Not nearly enough LOL
No I hate cream. Hate is a strong word and I very rarely use it but it applies here!
I am lactose intolerant but this wasn't diagnosed until adulthood - as a child no-one had even heard of such a thing! As a small infant, I didn't like milk and wouldn't drink it but was once forced to at school ("It's good for you"......) and was promptly horribly sick everywhere. I couldn't even smell cream after that without vomiting, so have never eaten it since.
No, I don't bake, & I don't usually have cream to pile onto tops of cakes, unless I had to buy a container of it to use in a recipe. Ah yes, well, I only buy an iced cake for our birthdays, so I'd have to use the cream up on my homemade pancakes or I'll fry bananas that I cook with brown sugar, fruit juice & cinnamon, & put the cream on top of that.
by Miro
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