Do you often run late or are you generally on time?

Photo: Michal Marcol
Some people are always late.
Others are on time or even a bit early.
Which one do you prefer to be, and are you mostly either on time or late?
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On time or slightly early - it's disrespectful of other people's time to be late.
I totally agree with you Slang!
I'm always about 5 minutes late.
I get ready early and sometimes could be on time, then I notice that I've got a few spare minutes up my sleeve and spend it doing something, so I end up late.
I really have to address it.
That's a real 'trap' to do that Sarah!
I prefer to be on time, but am usually a little late. I don't like being late and I don't like when others are late - idling is not fun and time is better spent doing other things.
I once read that being late was a sign of high intelligence, because the individual is multi tasking and trying to fit in as much as possible in a certain time.. Based on that, I must be a genius.
grann, I read that people who are always late are angry deep down!
I aim to be 10-15mins early , allows for any traffic delays and to find a park.
Relax and enjoy the meeting.
It is also respectful of the other persons time.
I do not like to be kept waiting.
Usually on time as my wife is strict on punctuality.
I am more relaxed about punctuality and believe it is acceptable to be slightly late (10 -15 minutes) in case the host is running behind time with their preparation for guests.
I like to arrive 10 minutes after stated time for dinner parties etc, depending on the host. I had a book of etiquette that recommended doing so. The 10 minute window allows the hosts to catch their breath and attend to finishing touches , if they were running late themselves. Of course there is the exception to the rule, and I know some friends could find it offensive.
''Late''......... is my second name.
I try really hard, but I have become slower
in getting out the door.I hate being late.
So I have to now start 15 mins sooner, than I use too.
On time, but I don't always succeed, especially if it is the first thing I do in the morning. No matter when I have to wake up, mornings are always slow for me.
I am generally always on time as I get quite panicky when I am late, even if only a few minutes.
The worst is at a Doctor's surgery where sometimes, due to parking problems, I am a few minutes late, and I go as fast as I can to get there on time, only to wait for 30 minutes! I keep vowing to go a bit late, but it is not in me to do this.
I agree with slang -it is disrespectful to be late, yet so many people ARE late.
finy, I always phone dr's rooms to check if he's running 'on time'! Can be doing something useful at home, if he's not, rather than just sitting in a waiting room!
I am shocking. Even when I leave home on time, I get lost or get in a traffic jam or hit every red light. I always underestimate how long it'll take me. I say 'Check the coffin before you bury me. I may have been held up.'
Me too! I try so hard, but I am often late.
unfortunately i am always being late everywhere especially at important appointment it is a bad habit that i have had since i went to high school school.
although i think the main reason was that my home was far away from my school and i should commute every day and was being on the way about 1 hour and half . but now i accustomed
I am usually late going places. I am trying very hard to break the habit. My main issue is waiting too long to get ready and sometimes I fail to plan ahead so i am looking for things when its time to go.
Punctuality is a 'thing' with me! Am usually early. Was taught by my parents' to be so! In my career, having to fly constantly makes you VERY punctual, as aircrafts won't wait for you!
Army life helped as well!
Can't stand people who are NOT punctual, unless very good excuse!
It's rare for me to be late for anything. I hate the stress of running late and tend to allow more than enough time to be on time. I'd rahter be early and wait a short while.
Although being late is sometimes beyond our control some people don't seem to care. There was always one person late for meetings at the last place I worked. Everytime we were all waiting for him. This isn't just lack of planning its rudeness.
You should never be late for business appointments, interviews etc. If it is an interview, you might as well not go at all - you won't get the job, no matter what the excuse I believe. This is because you have just basically indicated you are unreliable and don't plan ahead for contingencies. For business meetings, start without them. They will soon learn if they don't turn up on time, they miss out on the valuable information and we all know what happens when you "didn't get the memo" ! :) I know I'm harsh, but after years of pressurised commercial environments and even being late myself, you simply don't have time to muck around or entertain lack of common courtesy.
I always used to be on time - often arriving early.
Since Bowel Cancer, I seem to run late - just cannot 'get organised' fast enough, then public transport makes it worse, so I arrive 10 or more mins late. Not happy, Jan!
I'm always on time, even though I only use public transport, & as we only have an hourly bus service from where I live. I usually have to hang around waiting for the friends I'm meeting, (who do arrive on time.) When my husband & I are going to lunch or dinner somewhere by car or train, we're always the 1st ones there!
I am often late for casual events, but I manage better for meetings, appointments etc. If I am late meeting someone I try to let them know as soon as possible.
Time is a concept I struggle with. I underestimate how long the journey will take, or at the last minute get a phone call or have a set back. It feels like I have my own personal demon out to keep me late.
I was worried about getting to my husband's funeral on time. It was held about 40minute drive from home. Mum who is never late said to leave it up to her, she would get me there on time. Although we left with plenty of time to get there, obstacles kept arising and we were10 minutes late. Sometimes I think I cannot win, but I keep trying.
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