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Do you often have sweets/dessert after your daily meal?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you often have sweets/dessert after your main meal?

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I often have ice cream with caramel or chocolate sauce.

Have become quite addicted to this as once I started I seem to want it after every meal even when I have eaten too much in the meal!

I sometimes have fruit instead but it is a hard habit to break.
by Finy
Finy, I've found that the only way to avoid this sort of habit is not to keep those foods in the house! I don't buy coke anymore for that reason.
by Vee
Finy, I've found some bottled salted caramel sauce in Coles!
by Miro
Yes, usually. It's not very often I don't have pudding.
When I was a child,we had dessert far more often that I ever have done as an adult!!! If I want something sweet,I usually do not need for it to be had as a dessert after a meal! I will just enjoy it when I feel like doing so!!
I will often have a cheese and crackers platter late at night as I sit at the computer after the children are in bed. We have dinner quite early - well before 6pm - so I am usually hungry again by 9pm. And it's just nice to enjoy eating without anyone throwing food at me!!
Yes, uninterrupted eating is a pleasure you really learn to appreciate once you're a parent!
50-50 on this one.

We don't want to do it every night because it can become a habit that is really hard to stop.Calories are not something I need more of.
So maybe every second or third night we do.
Luckily I have never been a real sweet tooth, however I can and do enjoy a small amount ie when I am out or on special occasions, Xmas Birthdays. It seems sooo indulgent and I put on weight just looking at cake!
by Fran
No, only rarely. I like desserts, but we just don't have them very often.
No - only if I am out for dinner at a restaurant
by AJ
by Vee
I would love to.. But I have it once in a while.
Yes, and it's a habit I would like to break but my wife doesn't want to drop having her dessert. We usually do ice cream or a bit of chocolate.
About once a fortnight. I like them, but try not to eat too close to bed time as it has a way of making me gain weight.
Not really, although I love them.
I don't do it often but sometimes have dessert for dinner! LOL and YUM! Don't have enough room for both so one has to give way… I have dessert when dining out because they look so delicious and don't make it at home often.
Not daily only if I go out or have visitors for a meal at home.
Rarely. But at moment have a 'thing' for SS Puddings, especially if I've cooked a meal in the Oven, & it's still hot, like to 'use up' the heat & cook a pud!
Well, that's my excuse anyway, plus the cold nights help!
Just serve with Cream. Gives me two nights worth of Dessert!

As weather warms, do like room temp Strawberries, with Glucodin. Love it on Pawpaw, Rockmelon, Dew Melon as well.
We rarely have desserts. Usually we only have them if we have guests. I always have dessert when we eat out, if I can fit it in. I will have a couple of squares of chocolate after dinner with a cuppa and that is my dessert
We’ve all heard the old saying, 'Life is short.Eat Dessert First.’ At home we just have 1/2 a piece of Lindt chocolate each, & we have a small ice-cream,(from those Aldi packets of 10 with the 4 yummy flavours), but I only serve these if it’s someone's birthday. 2 nights ago, we had 1 for the Queen's 90th!! Any excuse! We usually have dessert in a restaurant, if we can fit it in, but that’s only 3 or 4 times a year
No, we just have ice-cream from the freezer if it's a family members birthday or public holiday. We have 55 grams a serving, because I weigh it out on my kitchen scales, as I don't want to have more ice-cream than my husband has.
by Miro
Oh yes, can't not have something sweet to finish! Even if it's something really small (like literally one TV Snack!). I like to change the taste in my mouth to sweet after dinner.
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