Me too. And the last time I went shopping with my very best friend she wanted to fit in two stops for coffee and a chat. I had to tell her that that was the last time she would be invited to "shop" with me. Shopping is a serious business for me, I enjoy it, particularly if I scored a "bargain" and I have no time for coffee stops and chats during such a trip. It is distracting. I am a warrior
I don't think shopping is a particularly social event, nor do I think it's a leisure activity, so if I go shopping I'm usually with the kids. having said that if ever I feel like retail therapy I prefer to go on my own.
Not any more. This saddens me, as in the past I have had some really wonderful shopping outings with friends and in particular with my mum. She is a great shopping companion and I always came home with fantastic outfits and accessories thanks to her eye and ability to spot the perfect item amongst all the dross. On one occasion she even persuaded me to buy a tent, sleeping bag and camping pillows...... I'd gone out for a handbag! But the camping gear was far more useful over the years :)
I don't have the physical stamina for days out shopping any more and I find the crowds difficult to cope with as well, so most of my shopping is done online these days but I do miss the laughter and camaraderie and general silliness of shopping with my girlfriends and mum.
I've found recently that I seem to be going shopping with my mum or one of my sister's a fair bit. Which is great because it's an extra hand to wrangle toddlers! I like to take my sister if I'm shopping for clothes because I HATE shopping but she has so much more patience and will persuade me to try on things I might otherwise not.
I go with my husband once a week to do the grocery shopping. I don't like walking amorously around shopping centres, looking in shop windows at nothing I want to buy!
But I do often go to lunch with friends, & that's all we do,,, lunch!