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Do you often go over the speed limit?

by Finy (follow)
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Most of us go over the speed limit at least occasionally.

Are you one who does this often, or only sometimes?

Do you find you go faster when you are in a hurry?

#Speed Limit
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I really try not to go over the limit, whilst sometimes I might think that the speed limit may be a bit restrictive for an area of seemingly open road, I figure the limit is set for a reason and I should follow it. Speed kills and rushing to get somewhere because I left late isn't justification for being a speed demon.
I often go over the limit by a couple of kilometers, it can be a challenge to stick to the limit when the car your driving feels like it's travelling at a snail's pace.
by Vee
Oh. "You're" not "your". My professors would be disgusted!
by Vee
There are a few locations where I find it very challenging to stick to the speed limit - we have a many long, straight roads that gently slope downhill, and I have to ride the brakes to stay at 50kms/hr, so every day I find myself going over the speed limit in these spots. I've never been caught, but hubby has.
by Lucy
I generally don't go over the speed limit as I often set my cruise control so that I do not go over the limit.
I do this particularly on country roads when the difference between 100 and 120 seems negligible when driving.

I agree with Helenonthesofa that the limit is set for a reason and it is just not worth speeding especially more than a few kms over the limit.
by Finy
Not very often, only when the speed limit is 80km/hr or more, I may go over a bit occasionally, but is limited to within 5km/hr. I should be a safe driver.
I did once over the Easter long weekend, but slowed down in time. Otherwise I never do. I did do this also on my first driving lesson, just because me and my original driving instructor did not get on.
Gee....... if I do it is not deliberate.
I very quickly bring it down, if I find it has just gone over by 2-3 klicks.

I don't speed. It just isn't worth it - it is dangerous, there are speed cameras everywhere and so often I've been overtaken by a speeding driver only to meet them at the next traffic lights where they've risked their life and used a lot more petrol just to get one car length in front.
No.I have had horrible things happen in my family due to speeding by other careless drivers.I wrote about it here.
So I wouldn't do that myself so the answer is no.
Indeed I do and I have the fines to prove it.
Well I used to as a younger woman I frequently did, however I saw the error of my ways as the years rolled by...and the fines came in....now I am a good girl (in all respects unfortunately!)
by Fran
No I don't, as I don't drive. My husband doesn't go over the speed limit either.
by Miro
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