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Do you often announce to friends or family the items you've just purchased?

by dwatk (follow)
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Whenever you purchase items (gadgets, jewelry, clothes etc) do you normally show them off to family and friends. If no, why not?

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I'll tell my husband, and sometimes my mum or mother-in-law, especially if it's a bargain, and not to show off, but to share.
by Vee
If I purchased an item of clothing I would show my husband and ask him what he thinks. Otherwise, the rest of the world would see it when I'm wearing it.
by Gia
I might let someone know a bargain if they're particularly interested in something but otherwise it's not something that would come up in conversation. I'd not start a conversation off with look at my new bag or look at my new top....purchases aren't a high priority conversation for me. If I liked someone's clothing or other item I'd maybe compliment it and then ask if it's new but that is the extent that my circle of friends would discuss what we've been buying.
Only if it is something they are interested in.
If someone is interested in the type of thing I have bought I might show them and say where I got it. Sometimes I will tell another person on a budget about an op shop bargain and mention the price. However, it isn't something I automatically do. I am more likely to talk about what I have been doing or something interesting I have heard or read.
Before I purchase something fashionable I would take a picture of it and email to my wife to get an instant comment. She is rather quite fashion forward.If I purchased an item, she would be the one that would see it first. I don't show off things to friends at all. They would have to see me wearing the item and make a comment.
No. Have been hurt by too many 'catty' & jealous remarks! So I now just buy whatever I want & keep the lips sealed!
Yes - with my sister in Seattle and me in Brisbane we always show each other our purchases and bargains when we are on skype every few days. If I've got a real bargain I will tell friends too so they can follow suit if they wish.

No big deal really as my friends and I have many other things to discuss apart from shopping. It is good though at times to have a "girly" chat about what's available in the way of bargains.
No, not to anybody!
I learnt, through experience, that no matter who the person is, jealousy always raises its' ugly head!

My sister was the worst, in that no matter WHAT I bought, she'd go out, & buy the exact same item!
One very insecure lady, & she's older than I.

Just one of many reasons' I no longer have anything to do with her.
I like to keep somethings to myself....I may with the odd bargain...but normally no, it's not something I like to share a whole lot about.
I'll tell a couple of friends when I've bought new dress, as they won't often see it. (I have 4 dresses put away for 2 Christmas's, & 2 for my next birthday all from my husband,) so I hope I don't find any more I think I 'just have to have'!
by Miro
I will usually tell my husband, I am pretty private though so don't usually announce things.
If I have found a good sale on something I will let others know if it is something they would like. I might ring from the shop if the interested friend is local to let them know or to ask if someone might want something while I am there if not local.

I purchase a lot of art supplies and some books on line and don't hide them from my husband, but don't tell him because he isn't really interested. I will joke that I see quite a lot of the parcel delivery people and he is never critical.
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