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Do you now still have a land line?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you now still have a land line, or just a mobile phone?

#Land line
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Yes, I certainly do as I do not have NBN.

I use my land line far, far more than my mobile as do not like using mobiles and do not hear as well as have bad reception where I live.

Also I get all my calls free on my landline where as not on my mobile.
I also rarely use my mobile when out so I need my land line.
by Finy
I do because it gives me free calls as it is VOIP - bundled with my internet. My mobile battery has never been good from day dot, so I like having my landline. I only pay $50 a month and get all the calls and internet I could possibly need.
by Rice
I suppose, technically, it's not really a landline, but you know what I mean :-))
by Rice
Yes we do, but I'm sure it will go the way of the dinosaur before too long. We get very few calls on our land line. Most people call us on our mobiles. We are not at home that much, so people calling on the home phone, might not find us at home very often. If it is something urgent, and we are out, we want emergency services to be able to reach us AT ANY TIME. The only people who call us at home are scammers, people selling solar panels, or elderly relatives or friends who aren't familiar with mobiles. I have many friends who are only able to be contacted on their mobiles
We have a land line as my husband regularly calls Germany as it's only a dollar or so and it's too expensive for them to call us and as the number is unlisted we rarely get calls from unwanted scammers, although having said that, we never gjve the number out but manage to get the odd call from the insurance/car accident scammers. Depending on what mood we are in, we either string them along and finally tell them the colour of the car is wrong, or I screech at them telling them I'm reporting them to the police. Instant hang up on their end.
LOL Helga
by Finy
No I don't but no have thought about getting one.
Yes, we do.
No. I only have a mobile phone
by AJ
I do.
I have the NBN, but still also have my landline for 'just the heck of it'.
am waiting to see what the land line bundled with nbl will cost if more than I pay now will be cutting off the land line .
Yes we do still have a landline. We even had our lovely very old phone No changed, because of our internet provider! After 2 years, I still don't remember the new No, without looking it up! perhaps is I wrote it out 100 times, I may remember it! No, we don't need NBN or (NO Bloody Network for/to a lot of people!!!) Someone else has our No now. At least we don't receive nuisance calls anymore!
by Miro
Well, that stinks. I was able to carry my number across to my internet provider as it is illegal for Telstra etc to prevent it. They did it all for me too.
by Rice
No landline for us. We ended up ditching it when our toddler used to manage to grab it and dial...
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