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Do you need or have, more than one email address?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have, or use, more than one email address?

#Email address
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Yes I have about 3 or 4 but really only use the one.
My ISP gives 5 and I noticed I have another one which I do not even know how to access.

I also have a gmail one and a yahoo one which I used to use for some work I did but no longer use.

So, I only have one that I use all the time....much easier that way!
by Finy
I have two, but I only use one of them.
Ditto :-)
by Rice
I have just the one....I like to keep life 'simple'.
No. Just the one.
For me, one's enough!
I do have 2 ,but only use one.When I got the NBN connection with Telstra,I HAD to get a telstra/bigpond address,but I simply have everything which goes to it(i.e.accounts!) ,transferred to my usual email address.I cannot see the point of having separate email addresses unless I have a business, in which case it would be very useful,but I stopped working 7 years back,so I no longer have this need!.
I have 3! One for work, a hotmail one which I've always had and a gmail one for all things google related!
usual one
work one (old not used a lot anymore)
one for my child
so three is total
I have one main personal email and I have two for work. I have old accounts that I never closed from years ago - I don't know how many though.
by AJ
I have two - my main Yahoo one that I've had for years and a recent Gmail one that I opened due to being unable to access Yahoo and needing an email to get instructions how to get my other one back.
Now that one will become a business address that I hope to start up soon.
I have 3. One for ordering on line. One for my doctors, and one for everything and everyone else.
I have 4. Never use 2 of them. One is for all my mail and different web sites I belong to and the other is for daily news and recipes. I only visit this address when I remember I haven't been there for a while.
No, I only have 1 & I only need 1 email address. (Maybe that's because I don't have a job.)
by Miro
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