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Do you meditate?

by Lu Lu Belle (follow)
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In the garden of a Buddhist Monestary - Photo taken by myself

Last year I began to take meditation seriously, and decided I wanted to incorporate meditation into my daily life. However I just couldn't seem to find the best way that worked for me. I eventually just stopped.

Do you meditate? If so, how often? How did you find what worked for you?

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No....I do not meditate.
I pray.
Thank you :) I think prayer and meditation are similar in a way. I find myself praying sometimes just out of habit, as I did pray as a child. But I don't know who I am praying to, as I don't follow a religion and I am still not sure what to believe in.
Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be open.
by jonaja
was the same. I got into crystal meditation, but in the end I didn't find that it helped me relaxed in anyway, so I just stopped. I take yoga classes, and at the end of each session we are meant to do our own private meditation, but I find my mind just wanders.
Thankyou :) I attended a silent meditation retreat last year at a Buddhist Monestary and one of the monks told us to just allow thoughts to come and go, don't attach ourselves to them. This is the hardest part of meditation I think. This is what I struggle with too.
I do meditate, but not regularly. At times I do it two or three times a week, but other times once a week. I find it gives me peace and I often find solutions to any issues I am trying to resolve after a meditation.
Thankyou. I guess I shouldn't puts much pressure on myself to meditate regularly, and just do it when needed.
I wish I had the time but I'm so busy balancing work, kids and everything that goes along with both that I can't imagine my mind not racing with all the things I still need to do.
I know exactly how you feel. Thank you :)
No. I can't shut off my mind. I'd be making lists or thinking of stories or what I forgot to do. However, I go to movies at the cinema by myself, and it's the same result for me - I focus outside my thoughts and I am calm and relaxed and when I come out, I'm re-energised. So I think that's my meditation...
true. that has worked for me too . A nice movie at the cinemas that occupies your complete attention for the 45 minutes helps shift focus and reenergises one
by o_m
Sometimes in the morning, my husband Abe I meditate. Just 15 to 20 minutes, disconnect yourself from all technology, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. That's our simple way of meditating.
Thankyou very much :)
I do meditate,in regular basis. I find it gives me lots of things
Thank you :)
No. I used to meditate but didn't find it did much for me that a nap wouldn't do, so now I just take a nap or go for a walk or run instead.
Thank you :)
I only meditate in nature, such as at a park or by a beach.

I can't stand doing it in a house.
Thank you :)
Yes. I am a Buddhist, and hence I meditate 10 minutes a day at least - no matter how busy I am.
Wow! Thank you :) Do you have any advice on how I can make meditation part of my daily routine?
Not as often as I should because when I do the world makes far more sense.
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