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Do you make your own food?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
Food (698)      Preserving Food (1)     

food, preserving, making your own food, chutneys, jams

It's not that uncommon to cook your own meals for breakfast, lunch or dinner--but do you get creative making other food products? Do you smoke your own meats, make chutneys and jams, or preserve fruits?

What food do you make?

#Preserving Food
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I just try to do as little in the kitchen, as possible.
I make nice meals for us....but I'm passed doing special stuff!...had years of doing it, now time to keep it simple.
We cook our own meals, and make our own bread, biscuits and muffins but that's about it at the moment as I don't have much spare time for cooking. I have made jam before, but not in years. We have a nice crop coming on on our lemon tree at the moment so I am wondering about maybe preserving some lemons or making a lemon marmalade.
I bake when I have time, and make my own preserves (love my pressure canner!) but don't do any dehydrating or smoking.

I do make.my.own yoghurt and icecream though

I make my own bread, and I made marmalade once when my dad accidentally bought Servile oranges.
Only when I'm at my partner's - simply because I find cooking an enjoyable activity when it's done with someone. When I'm on my own, I see it as a chore and often rely on takeaway.

Currently working on changing that attitude though :)
I make my meals, yoghurt and cakes. I make breadcrumbs out of leftover bread, so that i can use in other recipes.
I try to make varities for my kid and husband, specially for lunch.
I love cooking, and have recently tried my hand at making a few new things from scratch. My favourites so far have been lemon butter (great to give as gifts as well), raspberry or blueberry compotes, and paneer and ricotta cheeses. I'm especially proud of the cheese, just because I didn't think I could do it without any fancy ingredients but it turned out I could.
I make a lot more of my own food than I used to before going gluten free. I actually don't enjoy cooking but Coeliac disease has really forced me to. Although I haven't tried it yet, I even have recipes and equipment to make my own GF pasta and home made sausages.
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